Minecraft: Java Edition
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The Endium Expansion
Endium is a new material which can be found generating as an ore in The End at y32 and below and can be found in loot chests in end cities.
Endium is meant to be an alternative to Netherite, so it has its up and downsides compared to it.
Endium Items
Endium is not fire resistant, but is rather gravity resistant. Endium items in the world will not be affected by gravity and will hover over the void if the player dies with any.
Endium Tools
Endium tools mine twice as quickly as Netherite, but also have a bit less durability. Endium also deals 1 extra damage compared to Netherite.
Endium Armor
Endium armor is just as strong as Diamond, but has a bit less durability than Netherite. If you have at least 2 pieces of Endium armor on, you will not be affected by gravity while sneaking.
Endium Armor Effect
Chromium Items
Chromium acts as the Iron of The End, allowing you to mine diamonds and gain access to more things you otherwise couldn't if you were stuck in The End.
Chromium Tools
Chromium tools mine 33% faster than Iron and 5.5x as much durability. Chromium also deals 0.5 extra damage compared to Iron.
Chromium Armor
Chromium armor is 1 point weaker than Diamond, giving a total defense of 19. It also has 1 extra armor toughness than Netherite, giving a total toughness of 16. Also has a 5.5x as much durability than Iron as well.
Chromium Shield and Anvil
Crafted with 1 Chromium Ingot and 6 Amaranth Planks, you will get a shield with 5.5x durability than your standard shield. When you block with this shield, you will not be affected by gravity, just like Endium Armor.
Chromium Shield
Amaranth & Cobbled End Stone
Amaranth is a new wood type that can be found in the end very rarely. There is a 1/1250 chance for a chunk to contain an Amaranth tree, given if there is land for one to spawn on. Chorus Plants also has a 5% chance to drop an Amaranth Sapling instead of Chorus Fruit. After getting a wood pickaxe with your new Amaranth wood, you can then mine End Stone to get Cobbled End Stone, which can be used just like any other cobblestone.
Amaranth Trees
After obtaining raw Endium from Endium Ore, it can be smelted in a furnace or blast furnace to gain Endium Scrap. 4 Endium Scrap and 4 Echo Shards will grant 1 Endium Ingot. To craft an Echopearl, just combine an Echo Shard and an Ender Pearl in a crafting table. Once you have an Endium Ingot, it can be combined with Diamond gear in a smithing table just like Netherite. You can also craft decoration blocks with either 9 Endium Ingots or 9 Raw Endium in a crafting table. Finally, you can craft anything like fences, slabs, stairs, buttons, and so on with Amaranth and walls, slabs, and stairs with Cobbled End Stone.
Crafting Recipes
Link to the mod on CurseForge: