Epic Arsenal 0.18.0 Beta
Note: Sorry for this taking so long, i had ALOT to do since October, also the fact i got a new laptop for Christmas. So i tasked myself to make this in less than 7 days, and i think i did well, i started on Monday
New Features:
- Voidsteel Tools
- Enderpig Mob in Lunar Plains Biome, drops Enderchops
- Readded The Teleportation System of Lunarfruits, when ate !Still Work In Progress!
- Added Crafting Recipes for Diamond, Gold, Iron or Stone Tools crafted using Knoepant Sticks to match the Wooden Tools
- Added an Energy block, currently can only be charged with a daylight detector on it, and only acts as a light source, with 5/6 levels.
- Endersickle Tool, 5.5 Attack Damage, and 2 Attack Speed.
- Game-rule to enable/disable new Block of Voidsteel Texture
- Slayer Miniboss no longer have a bossbar
- Amber Forests and Ancestrial Plains Are Now Slightly Less Common in The Overworld
- Crystal Caverns and Limestone Caves are Slightly Less Common in The Overworld
- Quake Axes have a Smaller Chance to Break the Ground when Hitting a Mob
- Updated the Height of Breaking Blocks in the Nether and End from Quake Axes to y=30+, up from y=20+
- Updated the Texture of Voidsteel Ore
- Steel, Arsenix, Magic Crystal, and Voidsteel Ores can No Longer be Rotated
- Lunarwood Planks can no longer be rotated
- Nerfed Arsenix and Steel Armours, and nerfed Arsenix, and Steel Tools
- Redid a lot of Creative Tab Block/Item Placements
- Lowered the Amount of Redstone Power Emitted by an Active Luminite Lamp to 1 From 2
- Nerfed the Life Drain Enchantment by Half
- Nerfed the Fire Resistance Enchantment, you Now Get a Limited Time of Fire Resistance (Effect) Rather than Infinite, and Made the Debuffs Lighter
- Nerfed Skystrike To Happen Less
- Life Drain and Reach Can No Longer Be Found in Villager Trades
- Wanderer's Home and Medieval Cavern Structures are Now rarer and Should Generate Together Less
- Desert Towers are Slightly Rarer
- Ancient dungeons are more common
- Lunar plains are now slightly bigger
- Lowered the output of bullets when crafted from 8 to 6
- Lowered the damage of bullets from 4 to 3
- Adjusted the blast resistance of crystal blocks
- Nerfed the blast radius of Inferno Rod's Fireball
- Lowered the Attack Damage of Inferno Rods from 8 to 6
- Lowered the Attack Speed of Inferno Rods from 1.1 to 1
- Updated block of Voidsteel's texture (Changeable with Game-rule)
Bug Fixes:
- Custom Enchants in This Mod Should Work Better with Custom Weapons from Other Mods, That Use the "enchantable/weapon" Item Tag
- Severely Nerfed The Spawning of Cod, Salmon and other Fishes in (Custom) Biomes.
- Redid the Spawning Weights of Mobs and Animals in Custom - Biomes to Match Normal Values
- Fixed Crafting Recipe of Block of Voidsteel into Ingot, Having the Ore Instead
- It can no longer rain in Lunar Plains
Epic Arsenal 0.17.3 Beta
New Features:
Voidsteel can now be used as a trim material Updates: Items dropped from Moonstone Bushes, and Lunarfruit Bushes now spawn in the centre of the block when picked, instead of the corners Temporarily disabled the teleportation function of Lunarfruits when eaten while i work on the mechanics a bit.
Bug Fixes:
Voidsteel can now be found in Lunar Plains biomes properly at Y+0 - Y+70 In the End (Please dm me on discord if this does not work)
Epic Arsenal 0.17.2 Beta
New Features:
- Voidsteel Ore, Ingot and Block, can only be found in Lunar Plains
- Moonstone Bush, and Berry, can be found underground in Crystal Caverns and Limestone caves (still tinkering rarity)
- Lunarfruit now takes slightly longer to grow naturally on Lunarfruit Bushes
- Slightly harder to grow Bushes from Dirt End Stone Blocks. (Bonemealing it)
- Much harder to grow Lunarfruits on Lunarfruit Bushes with Bonemeal.
Bug Fixes:
- Landmines can no longer be placed on Lunarfruit Bushes
Epic Arsenal 0.17.1 Beta
- Tree Extractors tooltip fixed to feature correct information regarding 0.17.0 beta.
- Steel Apple's tooltip were also updated
- Lunarfruit now have a cooldown of 100 ticks
- Blast resistance of all Ruin blocks were lowered by 3, from 10 to 7.
- Updated tabs to feature many of the blocks of this mod, in base tabs
- Lunarfruit rarity dropped to common from uncommon
- Updated minor things with the Shadow Cloak
- Debuffed the Lunarfruits teleport range from max of 25 to max of 8
- Underground structures now generate much better underground
- Tree Extractor tool no longer consumes durability on blocks that it cannot shave
- Extracted Amber Slab no longer has "Brick" in the middle of it
Epic Arsenal 0.17.0 Beta
Released on 6/9/24 (Nice)
Join the Discord to suggest features, and get credited for you're idea!
New Features:
-Quick Sand Puddles can now spawn in: Grassy Grove, Waterlands, Flower Forest, Forest, Meadow, Plains, Savannah + Plateau, Windswept Forests -Can now smelt Quick Sand Buckets into Hardened Quick Sand (May delete you're bucket) -Lunarwood Wood Type -Lunarfruit Bush, bonemeal to quickly grow Lunarfruit -Lunarfruit, if you eat it teleports you between 8-25 blocks from previous location when eaten -Lunar Plains Biome, that can spawn in the outer end islands -Dirt Endstone + Bricks and variants, bonemeal to grow -Lunarfruit bushes -"End Update": Advancement, Dirt Endstone + Bricks (not variants) also enter the biome to obtain -"All the woods": get all types of wood and variants, in Epic Arsenal, to obtain -Disc Shards now generate in Desert Temples, Jungle Temples, and can be obtained when you have Hero of the Village nearby a Cleric, and they gift you something -Startup Messages
- Updated Smelter Texture
- Changed Mud Take Damage Advancements name to "Muddy Puddle Jumper!"
- Updated the layout of all 3 creative tabs
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes the Arsenix Pickaxe from randomly glowing
- fixed all custom buttons / pressure plates from having a hitbox you can stand on
- When an player holding a Fire Sword, swings at an entity that is immune to fire, no longer grants the advancement associated with it
- Extracted Amber Logs can now rotate like a proper log
Epic Arsenal 0.16.1 BETA
Bug Fixes:
- Reduced Mob Spawns in custom biomes more.
- Added more mobs to biomes that didn't previously have mobs spawning in them.
- Reorganized all 3 Creative Tabs.
- Fixed the landmine from being placeable on any block.
Places To Download:
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epicarsenal/files/all?page=1&pageSize=20 https://mcreator.net/modification/107305/epic-arsenal https://modrinth.com/mod/epic-arsenal
(Might take a while to appear on some websites)
Bug Fixes:
Reduced mob spawns in some biomes
New Features:
Quick Sand & Hardened Quick Sand DOES NOT GENERATE NATURALLY YET
Epic Arsenal Ingots/Minerals can now be used for Trims
Steel and Arsenix Armor can now be Trimmed with any trim.
Slayer mob (Boss that spawns in Slayer's Throne underground)