- New tab for all items from this mod in the creative inventory
- Different advancements now give different amounts of xp
- Note: secret for getting the netherite hoe advancement
- Eating normal golden apples now gives you 1 xp
- Eating enchanted gapples now gives you 5 xp
- Holiday based rewards are available for the months of October and December for Halloween and Christmas with custom features for those holidays coming soon!
- Minor bug fixes
Added "Compact XP"
- A compact version of the experience bottle, made from 9 experience bottles
- Can be thrown to drop xp
- Thrown orbs deal 0 damage and move at the speed of an arrow shot from a bow
- Has custom animation within inventory
- Used to make new XP liquid
- Has Enchanted effect
Added "Liquid XP"
- Crafted from 8 "Compact XP" and 1 bucket
- Flows significantly slower than water and lava
- Slowly summons xp orbs for entities who are in the water
- Infinite liquid source can't be made
- Emits low levels of light
Added Balancing changes:
- Bonemealing crops or ground only gives xp 1/10 times
- Crafting now gives more xp the more valuable the crafted item is
- Crafting common items (items with white names) will only give xp 1/6 times
- Smelting gives 1 extra xp for 1/4 items smelted instead of always
- Fixed bug where you could sleep over and over to get xp
First version is on curseforge
Currently adds xp for:
- Breaking blocks (toggleable)
- Using Bonemeal
- Crafting
- Smelting
- Landing critical hits
- Sleeping
- Trees growing
- Fishing
- Taming mobs
- Using a totem
- Being struck by lightning
- Blocking
- Entering the end
- Lapis set - each piece gives xp over time