Experience Bottler

Experience Bottler


Add a block that can be used to bottle any quantity of experience points. The bottled experience points can be drunk like a potion, giving the experience points to user.

Client and server StorageTechnology

Created2 years ago
Updated8 months ago

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Experience Bottler - Minecraft Mod for Fabric

Add a block that can be used to bottle any quantity of experience points. The bottled experience points can be drunk like a potion, giving the experience points to user.

How to install

As with other mods, there is nothing special to do, just place the mod files in the mods folder of the environment where Fabric is installed. Also, don't forget about the Fabric API.

How to use

Experience values can be bottled in any quantity from 1 to 2147483647 into an empty bottle by using the GUI. Up to 64 bottled experience values can be stacked. However, this requires that the quantity of bottled experience must be the same.

A working demo has been uploaded to YouTube. Experience Bottler - demo

About rare case bugs

If a player's level is abnormally high, the experience calculation logic may not work correctly. This does not occur unless the player's level exceeds 21863, so it generally doesn't matter to most players, but keep it in the back of your mind.


Experience Bottler

Recipe - Experience Bottler


The translation files for this mod have been uploaded to Crowdin and anyone can participate in the translation process. (I am planning to close the project on Crowdin in a few months, but not immediately)

Language Translators Status
en_us Translation Tools 100%
ja_jp EideeHi 100%
fr_fr ɪѕнɪ_ѕαʍα 100%


Bug report on Issues

Only bug reports are accepted under Issues.

eidee.net - Discord Server

Questions, suggestions and comments are welcome on the Discord Server.


  • Dependencies:

  • Translators:

    • ɪѕнɪ_ѕαʍα (ishi_sama)


Experience Bottler is developed and released under the MIT license. For the full text of the license, please see the LICENSE file.

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID