Updated to 1.20.2
Updated to NeoForge
More updates coming soon to newer versions.
New Features:
- Added new Stairs for Grass Block, Podzol, Mycelium, Dirt Path, Crimson/Warped Nylium.
- Added new Slabs, Stairs, Vertical Slabs and Corners for Stripped Woods/Hyphae, Quartz Brick, Hay Bale, Brown/Red Mushroom Block, Mushroom Stem, Moss, Froglights, Sea Lantern, Amethyst, Snow, Sculk, Dried Kelp, Honeycomb, Raw Copper, Raw Iron, Raw Gold.
- Added new Slabs, Stairs, Vertical Slabs and Corners for Glowstone, Nether/Crimson Wart Block, Shroomlight, Magma Block, Smooth Basalt, Obsidian, Crying Obsidian, Soul Sand, Soul Soil.
- Magma Blocks and Soul Sand Blocks work with Bubble Columns just like the vanilla blocks.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed placing Slabified Sugar Cane on top of Slabified Sugar Cane.
- Fixed being able to see some glass on the inside of glass block variants.
- Fixed glass block double slabs not being transparent.
- Fixes crash when breaking flower or grass sometimes.
- Grass, Mycelium, Podzol and Dirt Path blocks now drop Dirt blocks.
- Crimson Nylium and Warped Nylium blocks now drop Netherrack blocks.
- Grass, Dirt, Podzol, Coarse Dirt, Mycelium and Rooted Dirt blocks can now be flattened into Dirt Path blocks using a shovel.
- Rooted Dirt and Coarse Dirt blocks can be hoed into Dirt blocks.
- Block Models and Blockstates for Stairs and Corners now use Datagen.
- Fixed the top and bottom texture of the Corners being misaligned by half a block.
- Added Vertical Slabs for Wood/Hyphae Blocks, Coarse Dirt, Mycelium, Crimson Nylium, Warped Nylium. and BOP Sands.
- Added Corners for Wood/Hyphae Blocks.
- Added Stairs for Wood/Hyphae Blocks and Coarse Dirt.
- Added Slabs for Wood/Hyphae Blocks, Coarse Dirt, Mycelium, Crimson Nylium and Warped Nylium.
- Fixed many recipes and added missing recipes.
- Extended Slabs Creative Tab Icon is now randomised on every launch.
- Updated to 1.18.1.
- Block Models and Blockstates for Slabs and Vertical Slabs now use Datagen.
- Added Slabs and Vertical Slabs for Wool, Concrete Powder, Concrete, Terracotta, Glazed Terracotta and Stained Glass. As well as Glass and Clay.
- Renamed Vertical Grass Slab and Grass Slab to Vertical Grass Block Slab and Grass Block Slab.
- Renamed Vertical Path Slab and Path Slab to Vertical Dirt Path Slab and Dirt Path Slab.
- Removed S in the word BRICKS in all BRICK Vertical Slabs and Corners.
- Vertical Slabs connect to each other again.
- Block Models and Blockstates for Slabs and Vertical Slabs now use Datagen.
- Added Slabs and Vertical Slabs for Wool, Concrete Powder, Concrete, Terracotta, Glazed Terracotta and Stained Glass. As well as Glass and Clay.
- Renamed Vertical Grass Slab and Grass Slab to Vertical Grass Block Slab and Grass Block Slab.
- Renamed Vertical Path Slab and Path Slab to Vertical Dirt Path Slab and Dirt Path Slab.
- Removed S in the word BRICKS in all BRICK Vertical Slabs and Corners.
- Vertical Slabs connect to each other again.