


Simplistic mixin mod utility to allow developers to load mixins both early and late

Client or server LibraryUtility

Created3 months ago
Updated2 months ago

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FermiumBooter is a simplistic mixin mod utility to allow developers to load mixins both early and late, allowing for modifying classes that normally could not be modified otherwise.

Other current features include;

  • Adds the ability to toggle mixins prior to application through the use of a Supplier, to allow developers control over optional mixins.
  • Adds the ability to remove other FermiumBooter mixins from applying, for testing or tweaking purposes.

Note: If you do not already have a mod loading mixins, it is still recommended to use either MixinBootstrap or MixinCompat 0.7-0.8 alongside FermiumBooter.

For developer usage:

Create your mixin as normal, then in your IFMLLoadingPlugin implemenation init, instead of "Mixins.addConfiguration("configname")", you replace it with "FermiumRegistryAPI.enqueueMixin("configname"), or if you are registering it as a late-loaded mixin, "FermiumRegistryAPI.enqueueMixin(true, "configname")". That is all that is required, and FermiumBooter takes care of the rest.

FermiumBooter is currently in beta and as such there may be breaking changes or issues found, however it has already been tested as working in an active modpack environment including mods using mixin with, and without, FermiumBooter.

FermiumBooter is MIT and open-source, I am welcoming of any issues/suggestions/PRs made to aid in making it more useful to developers.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID