Infinite Waters Fix [Forge]

Infinite Waters Fix [Forge]


No more infinite water pools! Your world's water sources are finite!

Client and server Game MechanicsUtility

1 follower
Createda year ago
Updated10 months ago

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Infinite water be gone!

2,2 Infinite water gone! Oceans having infinite water gone! Infinite rivers gone!

The change works by automatically changing the "waterSourceConversion" game rule to false when playing in a world.

Having limited water offers subjectively Balanced Gameplay, Resource Management and Realism and Immersion Finite water eliminates the ability to create infinite water sources, you'll need to carefully manage your water sources. Planning your water usage, considering sustainability, and strategizing your exploration and settlements will become essential aspects of your gameplay. Witness the effects of finite water in the Minecraft world. Picking up a water source block from an ocean or river will leave behind a noticeable gap, reminding you of the limitations of this vital resource.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID