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There's an issue with this mod that causes servers to crash, and I don't have the motivation (or knowledge) to fix it. I'll discontinue this mod

The mod works in singleplayer/local multiplayer, just not on servers. The issue seems to affect only the 1.20 versions

I recommend using Shields+ instead; It's made by a better and a more skilled modder


Ever wanted new shields to Minecraft without unwanted extra features? Extra Shields adds new vanilla-like shields with various tiers and different textures.

This mod adds a copper shield as well, best paired with a mod that adds copper armor and tools.

All Shields:


All shields can be repaired with their corresponding ingredient in an anvil

Crafting Table:

A stick surrounded by 8 crafting ingredients (ingots, gems, planks)

Smithing Table: (as of 1.20)

A diamond shield can be upgraded with a netherite upgrade and a netherite ingot

Smithing Table (1.19):

A diamond shield can be upgraded with a netherite ingot

Works well with:

Shield Mechanics

Responsive Shields

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