


This mod makes some wood products and similar wood products that cannot be used as fuel in the original version become fuel again, and adds fuel expansion.

Server Game MechanicsUtility

Createda year ago
Updated7 months ago

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*Routine updates +Torches, red stone torches, and soul torches are included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 120 minutes (6 seconds). +Cactus is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 300 quarters (15 seconds). +The empty map and map are included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 220 minutes (11 seconds).

*Routine updates +Torches, red stone torches, and soul torches are included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 120 minutes (6 seconds). +Cactus is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 300 quarters (15 seconds). +The empty map and map are included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 220 minutes (11 seconds).

*Regression update

+The hidden block is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 300 quarters (15 seconds).

+The hidden vein is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 100 minutes (5 seconds).

+Paper is included in the fuel team and burns for 60 minutes (3 seconds).

+The book is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 200 minutes (10 seconds).

+The armor frame is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 600 quarters (30 seconds).

*Regression update

+The hidden block is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 300 quarters (15 seconds).

+The hidden vein is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 100 minutes (5 seconds).

+Paper is included in the fuel team and burns for 60 minutes (3 seconds).

+The book is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 200 minutes (10 seconds).

+The armor frame is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 600 quarters (30 seconds).

*Regression update

+The hidden block is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 300 quarters (15 seconds).

+The hidden vein is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 100 minutes (5 seconds).

+Paper is included in the fuel team and burns for 60 minutes (3 seconds).

+The book is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 200 minutes (10 seconds).

+The armor frame is included in the fuel team, with a burning time of 600 quarters (30 seconds).

*Routine update:

+Wheat is included in the fuel team, burning for 100 minutes (5 seconds).

+Hay was included in the fuel team, burning for 920 minutes (46 seconds).

+Vines are included in the fuel team and burn for 100 minutes (5 seconds).

+Luminous lichen is included in the fuel team, burning for 80 minutes (4 seconds).

=The burning time of Entanglement Rattan and weeping Rattan has been changed to 100 minutes (5 seconds).

-The lower boundary wood removes the fuel team.

*Initial initialization:

+Various color beds are included in the fuel team, and the combustion time is 1200 minutes (60 seconds).

+Most flowers will be included in the fuel team, burning for 60 minutes (3 seconds).

+Enthusiastic rattan and weeping rattan are included in the fuel team. The burning time is 60 minutes (3 seconds).

+Put the lower boundary wood into the fuel queue, and the burning time is 600 minutes (15 seconds), which is invalid

*Initial initialization:

+Various color beds are included in the fuel team, and the combustion time is 1200 minutes (60 seconds).

+Most flowers will be included in the fuel team, burning for 60 minutes (3 seconds).

+Enthusiastic rattan and weeping rattan are included in the fuel team. The burning time is 60 minutes (3 seconds).

+Put the lower boundary wood into the fuel queue, and the burning time is 600 minutes (15 seconds), which is invalid

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID