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Flat Lights is a simple mod that adds a handful of decorative lighting blocks. The blocks have very basic textures and are available in the 16 dye colors of vanilla Minecraft. Recipes for these blocks are all very cheap since the main purpose is just decorative lighting blocks, nobody wants to grind for building materials anyway.

Feature Summary:

  • Light blocks with high light levels, similar to glowstone
  • Partial blocks of different shapes which are directional and waterloggable
  • Edge lights that follow along the sides of solid blocks
  • Glass blocks (with the same pattern variations as the light blocks)
  • Cheap recipes for all blocks, allowing for easy mass production
  • A few silly, extra items for fun

There are different variations of the blocks with different patterns, as well as plain, flat textured blocks if you are just looking for color and nothing extra.

Flat Lights also adds some partial blocks that can be used, again available in the 16 dye colors. These blocks are able to be waterlogged and directionally placed as well, perhaps useful for interior lighting or making neon signs.

The lights can also look nice with shaders applied. (Complementary Shaders used in this image via Oculus, tweaked such that the blocks have emissive properties similar to the Redstone lamp blocks)

Aside from that there are a few extra items in the mod, mostly for fun. Those aren't too important though, the main focus is decorative lights.

*If someone finds this mod and wants to use it in their modpack, sure go ahead*

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID