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Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed game crash when attempting to open mod menu config screen

Bug Fixes:

  • Sorting no longer requires the focused slot to be empty when in survival mode

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed mouse cursor not being reset to center of screen when closing out of a GUI while Container Tabs is enabled.
  • Fixed Map Preview Tooltip not recpecting config.
  • Fixed Durability Displayer rendering misaligned durability bars.
  • Fixed Inventory Sort being prioritized over pick item stack when hovering an item stack in creative mode.


  • Added a config option to disable free mouse movement when Container Tabs is active (if disabled, cursor will snap to center of screen whenever a tab is clicked)

Bug Fixes:

  • Player inventory tab no longer renders if there are no nearby containers


  • Updated texture of cycle preview

Updated to 1.21


  • Items Visible in Boats: Stops held items from being hidden when rowing a boat
  • Armor Bar Colors: Colors the armor bar to match the currently equipped armor
  • Container Tabs: Allows tabbing to any block inventory within reach when an inventory screen is open
  • Map Preview Tooltip: Renders a preview of the currently hovered map
  • Shulker Box Preview Tooltip: Renders a preveiw of the currently hovered shulker box

Bug Fixes:

  • Brightness is no longer locked to 100% when high gamma is off


  • Slot cycle preview now displays the 3 slots directly above the current hotbar slot
  • Slot cycle preview now includes stack sizes and durability bars

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed mod not recognizing when YetAnotherConfigLib is present

Bug Fixes:

  • YetAnotherConfigLib is now properly defined as a required dependency


  • Added a config option to change which side of the screen the durability display renders on
  • Added a confix option to change which side of the screen the paperdoll renders on

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed config file being deleted when read


  • Durability display slots now only render when the corresponding armor slot contains an item
  • Slot cycle preview switches to the left of the screen when the left hand is the main hand


  • Modmenu is no longer included in this mod's jar
  • Config menu is split into different sections for easier navigation


  • Config screen now uses YetAnotherConfigLib

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed crash when attempting to sort a container that has a renamed item


  • Implemented a config option to limit the number of interactions created each game tick while sorting an inventory (disabled by setting to 0)
  • Marked as compatible with both 1.20.5 & 1.20.6

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed SimpleOptionMixin visibility mismatch
  • Fixed compareStacks method transitivity


  • Inventory sorter now only creates interactions when absolutely necessary


  • Rewrote inventory sorting code to try to resolve client-server desync when playing on realms.

Bug Fixes:

  • Spyglass sound is no longer spammed when a GUI screen is open.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed crash when trying to access a block's inventory

Updated to 1.20.6

Updated to 1.20.5


  • Zoom is now instant
  • Durability display now uses durability bars

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed actual FOV being changed to Zoom FOV when entering a GUI


  • Added a zoom key (c by default)
  • Added shears to the list of items that the tool selector can swap to

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed container sorting not working for certain items


  • Implemented a 2 tick cooldown between tool swapping in an attempt to prevent the held tool from swapping when a block that can be broken instantly has a different block underneath
  • Removed the Sort Inventory toggle from the config menu, as unbinding the key (middle mouse by default) works the same way

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID