- the mound puff sound conflicting with sound physics
-the mound having a delay in the puff
-the infected drowned not using the default infected spawn settings
-the infected not having a higher spawnrate on the mushroom type biomes
-items for the infested blocks.
-infested variants for the netherrack , soulsand and endstone
-new organite block
-the fungal fauna is more aggressive now
-the infection block system is now configurable
-new whitelist config for targeted mobs
-biomass tower structures will now spawn with an organite block as their core
-biomass towers will spread infection to all noninfected entities in its area
-new config option for the minimum amount of kills required for a biomass lump to generate a biomass tower.
-configurable loottables for the mound and organite block
New mobs:
-Flesh Mound(spreads infected foliage and overtakes the blocks around it).
New blocks:
-iron ladder
-biomass block
-rooted biomass
-rooted mycelium
-decayed log
-mycelium roots
-bloomed mycelium
-and many more.
AI changes:
-the old healing mechanic has been scraped , now all of the mob effects an infected can have fall under the Buffer AI , to use it an infected needs to have more than one kill point, they can use the kill points to grant themselves buffs such as regen , water breathing , speed or strength.
The infected will no longer attempt to break blocks if their strength is above 2;
Spawn changes:
Now there is a configurable option so the infected could start spawning after a few days since the world is created , WIP.
Now infected vindicators and evokers and naturally spawn in mansions and infected pillagers near pillager outposts.
The infected have a larger chance to spawn within the mushroom fields biome.
Biome changes:
The mushroom biome now presents new infected foliage as well as biomass structures.
-fixed the explosive tumors explosions overloading the server side.
-the spore advancement missing the background.
-the infected player not retaining the name of the original mob before infection.
-The Infected Players default items config have been relocated to the sporedata config file.
-The Spawning system has been changed to be fully configurable.
-New search area AI implemented , whenever an evolved infected dies they have a chance to leave behind a potion cloud that will alert the nearby infected to come to the location.
-Mobs with the pull goal will no longer try to pull targets if they are out of their line of sight.
-Mobs will no longer be able to hit other entities through walls.
-The infection system has been reworked to be more versatile and easy to use.
-Infected Vindicators will break wood blocks if they are in their way when they are aggressive.
-Infected Pillagers will now shoot arrows that carry the effect Mycelium.
-Infected Pillagers will always have a crossbow when riding another entity.
-New pick up infected AI has been added to the entities "Leaper , Brute and Phayres".
-New textural changes.
-Code improvements.
-Reworked the scent mechanic to only summon mobs if there are noninfected creatures around.
-Added new configurable roles for the horde mechanic "if an entity is blacklisted and given a role in the horde will accept it and use it accordingly"
-Added compatibility with Biomancy.
-Improved the compatibility with create and farmer's delight.
-Now the symbiosis effect will passively consume hunger.
-The infected armor set has been renamed to the living armor set.
-The crafting recipe for the living armor set have been changed.
-The stats for the living armor set have been changed.
New crafting items:
-wing membrane.
-dense muscle.
-alveolic sack.
-altered spleen.
-corrosive sack.
-sickle fragement.
New armor sets:
-Flesh armor (Flesh Helmet , Flesh Chestplate , Flesh Leggings and Flesh Boots).
-Plated armor (Plated Helmet , Plated Chestplate , Plated Leggings and Plated Boots).
-Reconstructed Elytron.
-Living Chestplate MK2.
New Weapons:
-Infected Sickle.
-Infected Knife.
-Infected Rapier.
New mobs.
-Phayres .
-Infected Drowned.
-Infected Adventurer.