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Gamma Shifter 1.0.4

Fixes / Changes

-AutoNight now disables after sleeping through the night
-Fixed bug where changes made in ModMenu were not always saved

Gamma Shifter 1.0.3


-Added Behaviour category to config menu


-Update to Minecraft 1.20.2+
-Changed option Gamma change per input to Step
-Changed option Snap to change per input to Snap to step
-Changed option Enforce maximum/minimum gamma to Enforce bounds
-Moved Always start enabled, Snap to step, Always save custom gamma, Enforce Bounds, and Disable during Darkness effect to Behaviour category


-Updated to 1.20.1
-Re-added Quilt support (change from 1.0.2-beta.1+mc1.20.1-rc1)

-Updated to 1.20.1-rc1
-Temporarily dropped Quilt support since Quilt Standard Library does not yet support 1.20.1-rc1


-Updated to Minecraft 1.20


-Added option to disable gamma during Darkness effect to reduce visual anomalies


-Fixed bug where AutoNight would apply in the Nether and the End.


-Added Auto Night Mode
-Verified QuiltMC v0.18.10 compatability
-Added Auto Night Mode category to configuration menu
-Added option to toggle enforcement of Gamma Shifter's max/min values (0% - 2000%)
-Added default keybinds for Preset 1, Preset 2, and Show current gamma (;, ', and m, respectively)


-Renamed Brightness option to Custom Gamma and updated tooltip
-Changed default max gamma to 2000%
-Changed default custom gamma to 2000%
-Changed default preset values to 500% and 1000%
-Config menu now references "gamma" instead of "brightness"
-Gamma overlay and hotbar message now show when mod effects are disabled
-"Saved options" log message now only appears when closing the game
-Reordered options on HUD configuration page


-Fixed bug where buffered inputs for showGammaKey were not flushed


-Auto Night Mode:
     -Increases/decreases gamma automatically at dusk/dawn
     -Defaults to 300%
     -Stores separate value than used in manual toggling
     -Can be enabled/disabled and customized through ModMenu
     -Disabled by default


-Added toggleable persistent overlay in corner of screen (location can be customized in ModMenu)
-Added silent mode to disable all HUD elements
-Added "General", "HUD", and "Presets" categories to ModMenu
-Added option to enable/disable hotbar message when gamma changed by keypress.


-ModMenu description now matches Modrinth blurb
-HUD text colour can now be customized
-Refactored HUD implementation
-Changed gamma change text from "Gamma = 100%" to "Gamma: 100%"
-Changed default preset values to 250% and 500%
-Config menu and HUD now support translation keys (English is still the only supported language)


-Fixed bug where gamma values >1.0 could not be set when the language was not set to English
-Fixed bug where gamma values from options.txt would not be initialized if alwaysStartEnabled was set to false
-Fixed bug where the Show Current Gamma key would be silenced when showMessageOnGammaChange was set to false


-New options are available through ModMenu (requires ModMenu and Cloth Config API)
-GitHub repository now includes program to automatically build mod JARs for 1.19-1.19.4 (buildAllVersions.jar)

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID