- Added native support for catmull-rom (smooth) easings for bedrock-style animation jsons (Thanks for the initial work Zigy)
- Default boneResetTime to 5-ticks, and auto-complete the reset if the tick time is 0. This prevents unavoidable partial-tick bone resets
- Removed the deprecation markers on the model/texture getters in GeoModel
- Reorient bone visibility a bit to support mods that modify part visibility prior to rendering
- Fix zero-time reset of bones not being zero-time
- Introduced an identity-based lookup for synced singleton animatables, to hopefully eliminate class-duplication collisions
- Synced animatable items no longer prevent stacking with each other
- Fixed middle-clicking on synced animatable items causing them to conflict when using triggered animations or synced data (#681)
- Bones that use animations to do a full rotation should now no longer counter-rotate when resetting, allowing for cleaner rotation animations
- Added
- Added triggerArmorAnim for triggering armor animations (#433)
- Cleaned up the javadoc for EasingType
- Animated textures now support glowmasks (#456)
- Add
Molang query
- Added native support for catmull-rom (smooth) easings for bedrock-style animation jsons (thanks for the initial work Zigy)
- Made GeoArmorRenderer inherit bone visibility from HumanoidArmorLayer#setPartVisibility to better work with third-party mods
- Default boneResetTime to 5-ticks, and auto-complete the reset the tick time is 0. This prevents unavoidable partial-tick bone resets
- Introduced an identity-based lookup for synced singleton animatables, to hopefully eliminate class-duplication collisions
- Fixed middle-clicking on synced animatable items causing them to conflict when using triggered animations or synced data (#681)
- Synced animatable items no longer prevent stacking with each other
- Bones that now use animations to do a full rotation should now no longer counter-rotate when resetting, allowing for cleaner rotation animations
- Marked AnimationState#getData as nullable to avoid confusion
- Added
for triggering armor animations (#433) - Animated textures now support glowmasks (#456)
- Marked the easingType argument in EasingType as nullable to avoid confusion
- Added memory compression to animation data. Larger modpacks should receive a reduction in memory usage