Gemstone Power

Gemstone Power


Processing mod that includes gems

Client and server EquipmentGame MechanicsStorageTechnologyTransportationWorld Generation

Createda year ago
Updated4 months ago

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Version: Beta 0.3.8a

  • Fixed Alloy Smelter
  • Updated JEI integration
  • Version: Beta 0.3.7

  • Updated to NeoForge 1.20.4
  • Version: Beta 0.3.7

  • Updated to Forge 1.20.4
  • Version: Beta 0.3.6

  • Added machine configuration panel
  • Fixed recipe times for better machine tiers
  • Version: Beta 0.3.5

  • Added support for NeoForge 1.20.2
  • Removed support for Forge 1.20.2
  • Version: Beta 0.3.4

  • Updated to Forge 1.20.2
  • Fixed interactions between portable tank and fluid tank
  • Version: Beta 0.3.3

    • Added gemstone cable
    • Increased amount of energy transferred by cables
    • Metal former no longer require presets
    • Rewritten energy distribution in cables
    • Fixed bug causing gemstone generator to crash the game

    Version: Beta 0.3.2

    • Basic gems now can give good and bad effects for awakened players
    • Added knowledge and oblivion stone
    • Added fortune crystal
    • Added Gemstone Manipulator
    • Added client config button in machine screens
    • Fixed client config options

    Version: Beta 0.3.1

    • Added portable tank
    • Added resin plains biome

    Version: Beta 0.3

    • Added fission reactor
    • Added reactor walls and frames
    • Added reactor coolers (Water, Snow, Ice, Packed Ice, Blue Ice, Prismarine)

    Version: Beta 0.2.9

    • Added option for custom energy unit in client config
    • Added metal and crystal wrench
    • Added ability to configure pipes and cables using wrench
    • Refactored and optimized code
    • Displayed energy units are now red
    • Removed pipes extraction upgrade
    • Fixed support for common tags
    • Fixed issue #1

    Version: Beta 0.2.8

    • Added fluid pipes (Gold, Copper, Invar, Steel)

    Version: Beta 0.2.7

    • Added support for NeoForge
    • Fluid tank now has a new model
    • Fixed inventory display of cables and pipes
    • Fixed bug causing cables' and pipes' networks merge incorrectly

    Version: Beta 0.2.6

    • Ore washer now requires water
    • Fixed bug causing gemstone cell to freeze minecraft client

    Version: Beta 0.2.5

    • Added new block: Fluid Tank

    Version: Beta 0.2.4

    • Added new item pipes (Iron, Gold, Copper, Platinum, Lead)
    • Item pipes no longer attach to block entities that do not have an item handler
    • Cables and wires no longer attach to block entities that do not have an energy handler
    • Fixed bug causing item pipes don't work properly with machines

    Version: Beta 0.2.3

    • Added item pipes which transport items from blocks with inventories
    • Added extractor upgrade for item pipes which allows a pipe to extract items from a block

    Version: Beta 0.2.2

    • Radioactive items and blocks can be eaten (do not eat uranium in real life)

    Version: Beta 0.2.1

    • Optimized and refactored code for machines
    • Made JEI use energy unit specified in mod's client config
    • Fixed energy not being synchronised between server and client

    Version: Beta 0.2

    • Added machine tiers (Standard, Intermediate, Advanced, Ultra and Extreme)
    • Added tier upgrades
    • Added new tier advancements
    • Added machine tier multipliers to sever config
    • Replaced common config with server config

    Project members



    Technical information

    Client side
    Server side
    Project ID