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  • Updated to 1.21
  • Genes are now an actual Registry
  • Fixed Incubator and Advanced Incubator from not working (hasRecipe() returned false when hasEnoughEnergy was true rather than when false)
  • Fixed the Black Death recipe being broken
  • Item Magnet will show in the tooltip that an item is blacklisted (configurable)
  • Properly sync the player's Genes on client and server on login
  • Allowed the Gene Add/Remove commands to use the gene name string instead of the id Resource Location
  • The Keep Inventory Gene now uses Data Attachment, which means it persists across server stops
  • Efficiency Attribute now uses modifiers instead of modifying the attribute base value. No idea why I was doing that originally, that's awful.
  • The Flight gene now is an Attribute, rather than changing the player's ability to fly. Fixes #10
  • Wall Climbing is no longer an Attribute (Why was it? What was I thinking?)
  • The non-empty DNA Helices and Plasmids in the creative mode tab are now after everything else
  • Attribute Modifiers given by Genes are now kept on respawn
  • Changed the machines' energy texture to one made by TJKraft
  • Support Slime now only checks if it should despawn once every 40 ticks rather than every tick, which should improve performance.
  • Emerald Heart chat function only worked if Emerald Heart was DISABLED, instead of ENABLED. Fixed that.
  • Improved command response messages, for example "Added Claws to Dev" instead of "Added Claws to 1 entities".
  • Item Magnet now has a delay against picking up items dropped by you
  • Increased the amount of Support Slimes spawned from 1-4 to 3-6
  • Poison Proof Gene now uses the new NeoForge Poison damage, rather than checking for magic damage while you have poison effect
  • Renamed The Cure to Panacea
  • The Coal Generator now allows extracting items from any side (in case of fuels like Lava Buckets, which leave an empty Bucket behind)
  • Machines now keep their progress if they run out of power
  • MobGeneRegistry and GeneRequirementRegistry loggers are now debug instead of info
  • The bubbles in the Incubator and Advanced Incubator now animate slower
  • Fixed broken tooltip for Basic Genes in the Plasmid Infuser
  • Changed Plasmid tooltip text color to Gray
  • Added a recipe for unsetting Anti-Plasmids, if for whatever reason you want to
  • Plasmids and Anti-Plasmids now only stack to 1
  • Stepping on a contaminated Syringe will now give you poison
  • Changed the background texture for the advancements
  • Dragon's Breath cooldown now is actually for Dragon's Breath, and not for Shoot Fireballs
  • Claws inflicts Bleeding for 5 seconds rather than 300
  • Fixed the duplicate message send when you get a Gene that you're missing the required Genes for
  • Players with Meaty can now shear themselves while sneaking
  • Knockback Gene strength is no longer configurable
  • When you have Max Health 1 or 2, you'll respawn with completely full health rather than just the vanilla 10 hearts
  • Lowered default cooldown for Dragon's Breath from 15 seconds to 5
  • Improved messages for Genes on cooldown
  • Scare Genes now have a longer distance, and scared mobs run away with more speed


geneticsresequenced-1.21-1.1.0.jar(994.97 KiB) Primary Download

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