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This is ShyGuy_Deku's and my (GameIdiot's) attempt on the classical joke of dirt to diamonds.

Crafting dirt to compressed dirt, and so forth and so on, will, sooner or later, grant you a diamond.

Now, most of the recipes consist of just filling a crafting table with dirt or stone.

Some of the recipes have special patterns though.

All compressed blocks can be reverse-crafted into their ingredients.

Also, avoid placing and breaking the compressed blocks, they might break, therefore stealing your time, if you do so.

Complete Crafting Chain

Dirt ---> Compressed Dirt ---> Double Compressed Dirt ---> Triple Compressed Dirt ---> Gravel

Gravel ---> Compressed Gravel ---> Double Compressed Gravel ---> Triple Compressed Gravel

Compressed-/Double Compressed-/ Triple Compressed Dirt x2 + Compressed-/Double Compressed-/Triple Compressed Gravel x2 ---> Compressed-/Double Compressed-/ Triple Compressed Coarse Dirt ---> Cobblestone

Cobblestone ---> Compressed Cobblestone ---> Double Compressed Cobblestone ---> Triple Compressed Cobblestone ---> Stone

Compressed-/Double Compressed-/Triple Compressed Cobblestone -smelting-> Compressed-/Double Compressed-/Triple Compressed Stone

Stone ---> Compressed Stone ---> Double Compressed Stone ---> Triple Compressed Stone ---> Block of Coal

Block of Coal ---> Compressed Coal ---> Double Compressed Coal ---> Triple Compressed Coal ---> Diamond Dust Speck

Diamond Dust Speck ---> Diamond Dust

Diamond Dust -smelting-> Diamond Shard

Diamond Shard x8 + Slime Ball ---> Diamond

By the way, I think Dwayne hid in there somewhere.

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