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Give me more


Refills your current slot with required item oder tool

Client EquipmentManagementUtility

Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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Configurable client side Mod that gives you the same blocks or blocks with the same tag, after you emptied a itemstack or put the required tool in the hotbar, if the old one is broken.

Configs as ingame menu:

  • Show Left Items Count: Show the amount of items in your inventory when your slot gets refilled
  • Use improved Block Pick (starting in 1.20.1): Uses same algorithm for blockpick like for the refill. Allowing to ignore tags or pick similar blocks
  • Show Used Tag: Shows the tag that was used to search the item(Only in combination with Use Tag)
  • Use Different Tiers: Switch between tool tiers if non of the same level is left
  • Tag List: A list of tags, that will be ignored in the tag-search. Don't miss the " before and after the tag Some tags are usefull to put here, because they dont make sense for building, for example the "piglin_loved" tag

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID