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Goety 2.35.2


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  • Added JEI support for Witch Brewing
  • Added Brazier and Feline Amulet Book Entries
  • Strip Armor Brews no longer affect armor that has Curse of Binding on it. Suggested by @glacial_flower.
  • Rotation Focus rotates Head blocks by 1 instead of 4
  • Fixed Rotation Focus weird effects on Chests and Beds
  • Fixed Illague JEED description being out of date
  • Fixed Strip Armor working on Doppelgangers
  • Fixed Black Book Errors for Chinese and Japanese Translations
  • Fixed Lingering Brews not applying the right duration
  • Fixed Dark Anvil not being counted for Forge Rituals
  • Fixed Player continuing to move when using Crystal Ball on themselves
  • Fixed Warlocks using Berserk Fungus on Raiders when being aggressive on them
  • Fixed Stunned and Tangled effect not stopping entities from jumping
  • Fixed certain mobs with Brain AI not being affected by Wild Rage effect
  • Holding a Wand/Staff on main hand or off hand after using a different item, ie. eating, will cause the item to have a second of cooldown. This is to prevent casting instant spells after eating for example.
  • If a player is looking at a valid target, pressing the Cease Fire button will cause all of the player's nearby servants to target it.
  • Changed Blaze Servant's texture to help differentiate better
  • Tweaked how Vizier and Apostle Boss music are played. Spawning multiple of either two mobs will no longer cause their themes to start again and overlap each other.
  • Redstone Monstrosities, if enabled through config and MobGriefing gamerule, will also break Logs and Wool blocks alongside Leaves blocks.
  • Increased Helmet size for Black Iron and Dark Armor a bit to fix colliding with players hat texture
  • Ice Golems now automatically step one block above like Iron Golems.
  • Fixed Cyclones not dealing damage.
  • Improved Cyclone and Flaming Tornadoes animation and hitboxes.
  • Increased Cyclone Spell's default cooldown from 100 to 300.
  • Killing passive baby mobs no longer provides Soul Energy.
  • Fixed Max Potency and Velocity config overlap
  • Fixed mobs under Wild Rage still targeting Armor Stands after it's destroyed
  • Fixed Format Error on Black Book entries with % on the text
  • Added Black Book shortcuts from items crafted with rituals
  • Made a render for the summoning circle that spawns when performing the Sabbath Ritual that summons an Apostle. Based on the rune that appears when using Altar of Fire on L_Ender's Cataclysm.
  • The amount of Soul Energy given by entities is now datapack-able via json files under the directory/folder "soul_taken". The entities can be registered as their entity type id or tag id. The datapack prioritized individual entity type entries over tag entries.

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