Version 0.7.0 changelog
- Adds Damage Indicators, enabled by default togglable with
/hev toggle hud damageindicators
- Adds hostile mob detection to the hud, works in a similar way to the damage indicators, disabled by default. Toggle with
/hev toggle hud mobindicators
- You can now toggle indivisual hud elements with
/hev toggle hud [health, armor, ammo, damageindicators, mobindicators]
. If you want to toggle the entire hud just do/hev toggle hud
without any subcommands - Fixes some issues with the armor power level announcements.
- You can now turn off the resourcepack within minecraft settings.
- The
/hev pvp
command now works whenever black mesa sfx is toggled.
- Fixed the issues #1 and #2
- Adds a caption system, toggle with
/hev toggle captions
- Command output is now orange
- New sound effect: When your armor durability hits certain percentages for example 50% of its total durability you will hear "HEV Damage sustained"
- Armor durability now affects your power level rating for example, if your wearing full netherite armor and your armors about to break your hud and the power level announcements will now say its got 30.
- As the number for health and armor go down it will slowly turn red
- Resourcepack is now included to hide the vanilla heart and armor icons
- Moved
/hev togglesfx
to/hev toggle blackmesasfx
- New command to list the current queued sounds with
/hev listqueue
Changes since 0.4.0
There is now a toggle to turn on the Black Mesa HEV Suit Sound Effects
However the following HEV Suit functions are disabled when Black Mesa SFX is enabled
- Heat Damage
- Internal Bleeding sfx
- Electric damage
The following is enabled when black mesa sfx is toggled on
- All health alerts
- Fractures
- Morphine
- Armor power level
- Lacerations
One more thing: Toggles now persist across restarting the game and joining servers.
Thats all thats been added since 0.4.0 thank you for reading
hev suit updates!!
heres a rundown of whats happened since 0.3.0
- There was a 0.3.1 but it wasnt good enough for me to share.
- We are now on 1.21+ 1.20 is no longer supported
- There is now a custom hud.
- to go with the custom hud theres now a texture pack that hides the health and armor icons since they got replaced.
- the ammunition depleted got removed it will probably be added later but at this moment its not here
- fractures are back
- cooldowns have been added to prevent the spam of when you catch on fire
- there is new commands you can do
/hev clearqueue
/hev toggle <system>
replace system with an available system, for example/hev toggle bloodloss
- theres a
/hev pvp
toggle command that will toggle all the hev suits features off besides the hud and health alerts to prioritize them, you can still use /hev toggle to turn on/off features manually though - theres also a
/hev queuesound <sound>
command mainly this is used for debugging but your more then welcome to mess around with it, most sound names are listed at the bottom - of course 1.21+ support
- armor power level system: you know how when you get an hev suit battery in half life 1 it will say power: x percent? when you equip armor it will do that too thats pretty much it
Available Sound names for /hev queuesound
"major_laceration", "minor_laceration", "major_fracture", "blood_loss",
"health_critical", "health_critical2", "morphine_administered", "seek_medical",
"near_death", "heat_damage", "warning", "bio_reading", "danger", "evacuate_area",
"immediately", "north", "south", "east", "west", "voice_on", "voice_off",
"shock_damage", "internal_bleeding", "minor_fracture", "chemical",
"ammunition_depleted", "morphine_system", "no_medical",
"power", "power_level_is", "percent" "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
"10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "25", "30",
"40", "50", "60", "70", "80", "90", "100"
Version 0.3.0
wooo basic rundown of features and stuff
- ammunition depleted sfx will now play when you run out of arrows (while holding bow/crossbow), snowballs and fireworks (while flying w/ elytra)
- some of the beeps and boops are here
- new sfx for telling you that you have no healing items and needs to get some!! (10 minute cooldown between each sfx and only plays when you get damaged and have none)
New radar toggle
Use /hevtoggleradar
in order to toggle on and off the radar system.
Sound queueing fix
You will now hear health related sound effects more than the radar
Health System update
You will now hear hear vital signs critical at lower hearts, seek medical attention at a bit higher and near death remains unchanged. this is to better fit the hev suit from half life