Fixed {is_slime} Fixed {playerspeed} Fixed int() not rounding decimal numbers.
Booleans added: isgliding, isclimbing, iscrawling, isswimming, issneaking
is alive, isblocking, isfreezing, isglowing, isfireimmune, isonfire, isonground, isinvisible
Numbers added: milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hour, day, month, year
subchunkx, subchunky, subchunkz
Strings added: damagetype
locale, language, country
Added {break} (Not a variable, see wiki for more info)
Added {cpu} and {cpu_d} for CPU usage, {chunkz} and {chunkx} for player chunk position.
Renamed {entites} to {entities} (I hate myself)
Removed {rng}
Added Vertex drawing (See wiki for more information)
Added Inc, Dec and Not operators (See wiki for more information)
Fixed some issues in certain built in huds.
- Added Arrays
- Added "array" Function that converts a string to an array of it's chars
- Modified the "Length" Function to accept arrays and return it's length.
- Modified the "str" Function to accepts arrays and convert them into strings.
- Added "itemname", "itemdurability", "itemmaxdurability", "itemcount", "itemmaxcount" Functions
- Added "array" and "any" types to #def methods
- Added Temporary variables with _ prefix (Will be deleted every tick)
- Added support for hex numbers and colors with either the "#" or "0x" prefix
- Added "armorside" builtin hud that shows what armor you are wearing in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Added "fibonacci" builtin hud that calculates then shows you the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence (up to 93rd number)
- Remove strwidth method (check wiki for alternatives)
- Deprecated "name", "durability", "maxdurability", "count", "maxcount" (check wiki for alternatives)
- Background on text is now enabled by default
- Errors while parsing variables are now more specific in their description.
- Errors now point to the line and col in which the error happened (Added to improve the debugging experience)
- Errors now render with shadow enabled at all times
- Optimized certain operations who's results don't change.
- You can no longer "modify" the value of system variables
- Changed the default hud ("hud") to execute "armorside" hud too.
- Changed the default hud ("hud") to execute "armorside" hud too.
- Gave the "tutorial" hud a new face.
- Fixed color of background text
- Fixed a bug with the methods not parsing values correctly
Added the ability for players to make their own methods with "#def":
#def divide, number, number
{result = arg1/arg2}
;divide, 4, 2;
Fixed the != operator
Added a Third Party API (Instructions on Wiki)
Reworked variable system to make it usable by third parties.
Added Unit testing support to prevent more regressions
Full methods list available now
Completely rewrote default compiler (expect performance to increase by up to 1000%!)
More consistent naming for methods.
Support for third party compilers and methods (sources jar included).
String Variables (put em in quotes!).
Variables added:
xplevel - the players xp level.
xp - the players total xp.
Renamed metabuffer to methodbuffer
- Fixed ;item; on Hudder compiler
- Fixed drawItem on javascript (yes, it was a different problem...)
Added the following variables:
dpitch - The pitch (with decimal point)
dyaw - The yaw (with decimal point)
pitch - The pitch (without decimal point)
yaw - The yaw (without decimal point)
world_time / worldtime - The current time of day
- Fix GUIElement Rendering
- Fix bug with conditions showing at the start instead of where the condition is made
- Fix text scaling incorrectly with JavaScript
Added the following variables:
{issurvival} {is_survival}
{iscreative} {is_creative}
{isadventure} {is_adventure}
{isspectator} {is_spectator}
Added the following hudder methods:
;alert, [Text];
;log, [Text];
;warn, [Text];
;error, [Text];
;throw, [Text];