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What is it?

A random collection of things I thought would be nice to have in Minecraft

Vacuum Hopper

A hopper that sucks items off of the ground.

Mob Attractor

A block that teleports many entities (using LOTS of energy) in a large radius onto a single block.

Cobblestone Generator

An upgradeable cobblestone generator that can produce incredible amounts of cobblestone.

Block Activator

A block that can break blocks, place blocks, use items, and attack entities using energy and (optionally) tools.

Changelog (v1.0.0 -> v1.0.0)

  • Initial release

Future Features / Versions

  • A slot specifically for a block activator's tool

Some useful links...

My website

Credits and Libraries Used

Thanks to the developers of FabricMC!
The idea for the vacuum hopper was first created in OpenBlocks.
The idea for the block activator (autonomous activator) was first created in Thermal Expansion.
Note: no source code from OpenBlocks or Thermal Expansion has been used in this mod

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID