Time for another Maintance patch.
This was supposed to drop 3 months ago, with a few other projects.
But IRL something happened that made me effectively stop modding for a while.
And now that i have some breathing room i am squashing a ton of bugs while i still can.
This isn't fixing all bugs reported because i have a extremely short time where i could investigate things.
But the worst offenders are gone.
Version 2.1.2:
- Added: Reactor has now a Comparator setting whenever energy is produced. This can be useful as steam reactors for example have some lag as the heat is disapearing out of the components.
- Added: the string for energy tier 0 (ULV)
- Added: New System to add custom fluid cells into ic2c and make ic2cs empty cell work with it!
- Added: Internal API to limit the energynet a bit if excessive grids are causing lag. This is a bandage fix that only excessively large servers will need so it is there. But requires custom self made addon to use.
- Changed: IC2s Crop Registering event is now done through the internal event bus instead of forges
- Changed: IC2s Adv Drill is now netherrite tier instead of diamond tier.
- Improved: Small energynet optimziation where path building is optimized to take the less expensive routing.
- Fixed: Tin Sign used Silver ingots.
- Fixed: Watermills had the wrong energy tier
- Fixed: IC2 blocks were causing chunk flickering due to block updates being poorly implemented. This is now entirely fixed.
- Fixed: Rocket Miner now updates comparators properly
- Fixed: Rocket Miner was able to get stuck in an idle state. This could happen due to server restarts sometimes.
- Fixed: Rocket Miner was able to get stuck when it landed on a redstone signal while working.
- Fixed: Mining laser would dupe TNT
- Fixed: Some Item dupes were possible if inventory items had a stacksize greater than 1. You can no longer open item inventories if their stacksize isn't 1
- Fixed: Plasmafier would void plasma if the output was full.
- Fixed: Barrels when replaced would not snyc their open state properly.
- Fixed: Terraformer Blue print wasn't triggering their advancements. (Insertion logic was never called)
- Fixed: Documentation bug where copper cables say 5 blocks instead of the 4 blocks which is the limit
- Fixed: IC2Classic block drops now respect the Forge Item Enchantment interface. (Before enchantment helper was called)
- Fixed: Comparator mode was accessible in the Villager o mat when it wasn't supposed to.
- Fixed: Heat Balancer now no longer self destruct and work as they are intended.