Illagers+ Legacy

Illagers+ Legacy


A mod that adds additional Illagers and Structures!

Client and server Adventure MobsWorld Generation

Createda year ago
Updated6 months ago

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Note: With the change to the config file, the old config wont work anymore. Remember to transfer your settings over to the new config and delete the old one!

  • *Tweaked movement speed of all illagers to match that of vanilla illagers
  • *Fixed the game crashing when removing this mod. Apparently its trying to look for enum values that dont exist when the mod is removed, so now raid wave members are added during world loading and removed during world unloading
  • +Added the Ice Castle to the structure info class
  • *Redid Structure Registration and mod config
  • +Added an attack to the general that makes it so he spawns some reinforcements during raids or in the world when provoked
  • *Fixed the Falling Ice Spike stuttering when, well, falling
  • *New config now has a biome whitelist, blacklist and a biome category list for structures
  • *Structure spawn dimension was changed from a blacklist to a whitelist
  • +Added sounds to the falling ice and ice spike
  • *Tweaked AI during reinforcements, and fixed the bossbar that appears, displaying the wrong max wave count
  • +Added mixin to help with the fort crashing optimized spawning of entities to make up less lines of code
  • *Made the necromancer's health stealing attack more deadly
  • *The Frostmancer's attack was killing item entities. fixed that now
  • *Structures will try not to spawn on top of each other or at spawn I think i fixed the fort crashing while generating
  • +Added some cool effects while the necromancer attacks
  • *Cleaned up some code
  • +Added loot pools for the illager fort
  • *Nerfed all loot pools
  • *Increased the frequency of features spawning in the illager fort, to fill in those poor empty spaces ;n; but due to lag, decreased the number of illagers spawning per piece


illagers_plus-1.16.4v1.7.jar(742.05 KiB) Primary Download

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID