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Woah, there was no new version for over a month. This is because I was working on other things, such as the game Prussian Campaign (still at early stage) and the grammar book of the Ordokimarian conlang.

Anyway, here is the changelog:

  • improved villages
  • the F3 (yet no shortcut, sorry) menu now displays the seed
  • fixed torch particles having offset at large distances
  • fixed villages not spawning on most generators
  • decreased village rarity
  • added ruined villages
  • readded splashes
  • fixed towers generating in lines at z364
  • added ocean ruins
  • decreased brick break time
  • decreased ruined tower rarity
  • fixed old worldgen changing seeds
  • shiny technical stuff that will allow more options

This version fixed the bug that made the game freeze and delete player's inventory when walking x/z > 900. This was caused by the Indev cave generation code still being present here, and probably it could not handle such large distances. In fact, this crap was living in the code for 5 days! And I would not notice it at all, if not that it just destroyed my survival world.

  • fix ruined towers getting cut off by the height limit and crashing the game. It was caused by that the chest was missing, but the code still tried to insert loot into it, which caused an unhandled java.lang.ClassCastException, which crashed the game
  • added ruined towers
  • fixed well generation
  • made furnaces and workbenches easier to break
  • added structure API
  • added stone wells randomly spawning throughout the world
  • fixed the jitter in alpha worldgen
  • added vanilla 0415 worldgen
  • fixed alpha worldgen
  • improved ore generation
  • fixed invisible creepers crashing the game
  • updated the Read Me screen

Known bugs:

  • sprinting causes jitter on alpha worldgen
  • lighting bugs on alpha worldgen
  • ported caves from alpha
  • added the alpha world generator. It yet does not works, will figure it out and fix for the next release. please don't use for now.
  • added the legacy terrain generator
  • added terrain generator choosing
  • fixed doors
  • readded classic fluid flowing
  • fixed stamina bar position when underwater
  • added trapped chest, which explodes on click
  • added a bar for stamina
  • patched OP in-air-jumping
  • made trees larger
  • added copper
  • added tin
  • added the /killall command
  • mobs no longer spawn in the Far Lands
  • added copper and iron components
  • added forges
  • fixed cloth armour recipes
  • added bronze, bronze tools and armour

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID