Ingame Real Time Clock

Ingame Real Time Clock


Provides in-game real-time clocks

Client DecorationGame MechanicsSocialUtility

Created6 months ago
Updated6 months ago

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Provides various styles of customizable in-game real-time clocks.

This mod is CLIENT ONLY.


Planned to add in future:

- More clock styles and settings

- More builtin clocks

- Translatable components



To configure or select clocks, go to Menu -> Mods -> R-L Clock -> Config. There are already some builtin clocks allowed you to use directly.

1. To add a new type of clock: On the bottom left, insert the name of the clock and the click the style button you would like it to be (vanilla/classic), then adjust the values.

2. The grey button besides the name of the clock at the top center will adjust the location of the clock, to each corner of the screen and centers.

3. The blue button saves the current clock to disk, remember to save always!

4. The red button discards the current clock, forever.

5. The green button reloads all the clocks from the disk.



The saved clocks are located in the .minecraft/rlclock_profiles, you can share with other people.

The file name does not matter as long as they are valid .json files, and the name of clock is decided in the json not the file name.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID