


A simple minecraft mod that adds a new World Type generating an endless ocean filled with islands.

Server AdventureWorld Generation

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  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow players to use /locate on modded structures
  • Reorganized and rewrote bits of the codebase, should result in some increased speed when generating the world at the very least


  • Fixed "Banned Oceans" config option not working
  • Reduced the Treasure Maps searching area by a lot to avoid the game hanging because of them ( While technically not an Islands bug per se the inherited decrease in land mass of the mod makes this bug happen more frequently than in vanilla.

Additions / Changes:

  • Oceans will now blend more naturally, also increased their sizes so there won't be 4 types of oceans in the same 30x30 area
  • Reimplemented the weights system and its config, please delete the old islands-weights.toml config!
  • Weight can now go from 0 to 10, obviously 0 meaning it won't show up at all
  • More obvious logic for it, having only 2 biomes with a 10 weight will mean both biomes have a 50/50 chance to spawn for example
  • Fixed biomes from different mods not being counted for the weight config or getting removed from the list when added manually
  • Automatically adds newly detected biomes into the list
  • Less repeating comment lines about the range of the value


  • Fixed the World Type button not having the correct "Islands" label
  • Fixed chunks being cut after the original spawn

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Licensed ARR
Published 3 years ago
Updated a year ago