Jar It!

Jar It!


You can put things in jars

Client and server CursedDecorationStorage

Created2 years ago
Updated2 years ago

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Jar It!

You can put things in jars.


ModFest Singularity Icon

This mod is a submission for the 2022 ModFest: Singularity.


  1. Surround whatever you want to jar in a cube of Jar Glass.
  2. Use the Jar Cork on one of the top blocks of the jar glass. This block must not be on an edge or a corner.
  3. The jar's contents are collapsed into a single Jar block that can be picked up and brought wherever.
  4. Use the Jar Opener on a placed jar to expand it again back into the cube of Jar Glass with contents preserved.


  • /jar-it create <size> [<id>] - Allows you to create a new jar in the jar-dimension without having to build it first, giving you a jar item for the jar just created. Optionally, the id of the newly created jar can be specified. If a jar with that id already exists, you are still given a jar item for that jar, but a new jar is not created and an error message is printed.
  • /jar-it destroy <id> [force] - Destroys a jar with the given id, moving all players and any loaded entities to overworld spawn. Use force to skip the "are you sure" dialog.
  • /jar-it enter [<target>] id <id> - Teleports the user or an optionally given target into the jar with the given id.
  • /jar-it enter [<target>] at <block-pos> - Teleports the user or an optionally given target into the jar at the given block position.
  • /jar-it give <id> - Gives the player a Jar item for the specified jar id.
  • /jar-it list - Lists all the jars in the world.
  • /jar-it lock <id> - Locks a jar so that it cannot be opened with a Jar Opener.
  • /jar-it unlock <id> - Unlocks a locked jar so that it can be opened with a Jar Opener.

Known Issues

  • Jars do not render their insides and being inside a jar does not render what is outside the jar.
  • Jars do not track if their item or block gets destroyed, meaning that jars can be orphaned. Commands can be used to obtain items for these jars.
  • Jars that are not loaded when they're destroyed via command do not transport their entities to overworld spawn.

External resources

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID