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Fixed crash (again)

Fixed crash on first ever launch

Added new action type - Subpizza. It will open other pizza menu, so you can now organize different types of actions to different subpizzas.

Added new action type - Subpizza. It will open other pizza menu, so you can now organize different types of actions to different subpizzas.

Updated to 1.20.2 Added new user-friendly icon selection menu

Updated to rc2

Added Malilib keybind support (Litematica, Minihud, Tweakeroo)

Added category names to keybind selection screen

Action activation on button release

Fixed lavajumper dependency

1.20.1 support

Added 1.20 support

Button to turn on the selection menu now also turns it off (issue #1)

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID