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Welcome to release 1.1.0 which had 43 commits, 155 changed files with 5,633 additions and 1,881 deletions! (yay, and it's not even the port to 1.20.5 yet)


This is the primary feature added by this release. LightCharges will allow you to activate your light whenever you want! Sort of.

  • You will be able to get and use LightCharges after you have triggred your light normally at least once.
  • Every player has maximum number of charges that they can store at a given time, and it ranges from 0-8 (or 1-7, see the config).
  • You can use a charge by pressing the same button you use to activate it, by default it's V. Using a charge will set you in a "light-ready" status, press the activation button again to activate your light. You can't automatically recover a charge you have used, so make sure to activate your light as well! Or, harvest it with a Empty bottle to get the BottledLight back.
  • An icon will also appear showing how many light charges you currently have. Also, the more light chargese you have stored, the more you will glow. When you have max light charges you will also emit some light particles. The icon won't show up unless you have triggered your light naturally at least once. By default it's in the same position as the activate icon, top left corner!
  • Using a light charge is more costly for your light, and will increase the cooldown time by quite a lot!
  • Getting a charge is a complicated and somewhat expensive process. You will need to get a BottledLight, an item that stores InnerLight energy in a bottle. You can use this item with a right click, and after the bottle breaks you will have obtained one light charge. You will also be put in a temporary cooldown.
  • To get the BottledLight there are two ways: The first and simpler one is using an empty bottle when your light is ready. This will make a BottledLight store your own InnerLight, and only you will be able to use it. The other way is the alchemist way, you will be able to brew some of it by using an Experience Bottle and crushed luxintus berry, which you can obtain by smashing an anvil on top a luxintus berry. Be warned! May explode!. After that, you will need to insert the ingredients associated to the desidere light type and target. Every player with the same type and target will be able to use these. But if you have a different light type, please refrain from trying to use it!
  • Cool rendering effects, like particles and rays are displayed when you use a light charge, when you increase your number of charges, when you harvest it etc. Also some new sounds will play.

Luxcognita Rework

The luxcognita berry has been reworked, now when you eat it a new screen will open, with the berry asking you what you want to know. You will be able to chose learn about 4 things: Your InnerLight type, target and their corresponding ingredients. An animation and a jingle will play when you press the button. Be warned! You are "actively thinking-speaking with the luxintus berry" aka the game isn't paused, so you are vulnerable to mob attacks!

In the future this may be the start of somekind of in-game tutorial of the mod, so tell me if you like it and if you'd change anything.

Client Config

A client config file has been added. This allows you to customize the graphical settings for the mod, and this one comes wiht a GUI! To open the config menu you will need to install YACL and ModMenu. The client config adds options to adjust the position of the icons, their scale, the presence of the runes on screen and more. Check it out in game or look at the respective section on the wiki!

Config version 4

A few new settings were added, mostly concerning the newly added stuff. You will also be able to specify if and who can activate an InnerLight in a faction's territory, if the Factions mod is installed.


  • A new command sub type has benn added, /light charge <add|remove|fill|empty> [amount] to manage the light charges. Also, the /light get all command now displays information on what the inner lights of a player would originally have been. For example, if they used a luxmutua berry it will show what their type should be according to their UUID. The permission to use it, as usual, is lightwithin.commands.charge.
  • Added options to mange the hasTriggeredNaturally status and max_charges to /light set & get commands.
  • Also, a mostly debug command to reload the client config has been added, /light_client reload.


Added a trigger for a player causing an explosion, it will be treated as Enity Attack on another one. Added new particles! These will spawn when using or obtaining light charges mostly. Also added a system to display render effects, and quite a bit of this sort of things under the hood, like two new libraries written by my are included in this version. Added new sound effects! Fixed a few issues Updated dependencies, mainly compatibility with flan 1.10+ has been added. Optimized some of the code Possibily something else i've forgot.

This version has been initially released as beta. Make sure to report bugs or stuff I forgot about! If nothing happens, I will publish the 1.1.0 release along the ports to 1.20.5/6 and 1.19.2 (which will recive ONLY this port for a while, and also only maybe)

Same changes as 1.0.3+1.20.1 but for 1.20.4 Note: flan is not yet available for this version, but the code is already there so hopefully when they do update, the mod will already be compatible.

  • Added comaptibility with YetAnotherWorldProtector and Flan to disable light activating in your world! Check the wiki for information on how to set them up!
  • Updated to ColoredGlowLib 3.0.0/1
  • Team colors will now be overriden only while the light is active
  • Added custom color animations for each light type! They are now more or less subtly shifting in color while your light is active!
  • In the Trigger config you can now specify which blocks/items count as light conditions for some of the lights, like fire blocks for the Blazing Light and such! This config file is now version 2
  • New config options: LIGHT_DEFAULT_STATUS, to specify if a light is triggerable by default or not. Meant to work with world protection mods, to allow for the use of lights only in certain areas.
  • TRIGGER_BLOCK_RADIUS, while checking for light condition blocks this is how for the check will extend. High values mean lag!
  • Fixed Trigger and Balance config not reloading when using /light reload
  • Optimized png files (runes and icon mostly) to reduce file size!
  • If you find any problems, report them on github please!
  • Added a way to regenerate the terrain after a strcutre has been placed!
  • Look into the lightwithin_config file (which is now version 2) for the options REPLACEABLE_STRUCTURE and KEEP_ESSENTIALS_STRUCTURES, both of which are true by default.
  • If you experience lag when spawning a structure, try to disable this feature
  • Fixed world crashing when ColoredGlowLib isn't present
  • Now the EarthenGolem will follow its summoner around like a pet, without teleporting
  • Fixed world crashing when ColoredGlowLib isn't present
  • Now the EarthenGolem will follow its summoner around like a pet, without teleporting

TLDR Changed almost everything. If you want the long version:

  • Updated to 1.20.1 & 1.20.4
  • Reworked how light types and other attributes are determined, so you should probably reset your light using the provided command. Going a bit more in depth, the UUID is treated more properly and calculations of how rare a given thing is have been down. It's roughly 12.5% for each light type for example.
  • The duration of the lights has been extended, with a configurable multiplier. It can now range from 1-16 * 1.3.
  • The power multiplier now ranges from 1-10
  • The cooldown ranges from 10-170
  • New way of determine the way a player is in danger regarding the health: If hit by an entity, the damage done (accounting for armor & armor thoughness) will be used to predict the next hit. If the damage for the next hit would go below the HP percentage specified, it will trigger.
  • Changed the checks for when the lights trigger, go to the wiki to see how this impacts individual lights. Generally, there is now a threshold value to reach in order to activate the light, and multiple factors are required to reach it.
  • Added new triggers: Falling, Drowning, Burning, Freezing.
  • Renamed the OTHER target type to VARIANT (it's advised to the a light reset)
  • Added compatibility with the following mods, in regard to ALLIES and ENEMIES: Open Parties and Claims, Factions, Argonauts (parties & guilds), FTBTeams
  • Luxmutua berry now changes the target type too.
  • Allies now by default need to be under a certain HP percent to be able to recive buffs from a light activation (from another allied player, the caster)
  • The caster of an "ALLIES" light will recive only a partial buff for themselves instead of the full effect (this would have made them just a better version of SELF lights)
  • Added a option to "lock" a light with the /light set command. A player with a locked light won't be able to trigger it anymore, until it gets unlocked. It can be unlocked by eating a Luxintus berry, configurable.
  • Added a ton of config options, and dived the config in three files: The main lightwithin_config holds general things, the other two, balance and triggering contain light-specifc variables, the fist one is used for determine max/min values, the second one to adjust the trigger threshold and the contributions of each action/situation
  • Added an option to consider non-allies as enemies in the config, along with many others.
  • Low armor & Surrounded checks are now on by default
  • Added new triggers, Burning, freezing, drowning! Guess what will trigger which light type? Yes, you are correct.
  • Fixed bugs related to determining a light, especially when rerolling it with commands or berries
  • Fixed rendering of the ready icon and runes
  • Changed some of the messages in the action bar when activating a light
  • Added Clear Ice block. (Replaces the Ice statues, which are present, won't crash the game anymore, but only useful in creative mode and discontinued. I may remove them at some point. Or not.)
  • Internally refactored and moved around a lot of stuff and classes
  • Fixed icon & runes rendering while using replay mod
  • Fixed glow color not working anymore (ColoredGlowLib mod dependency)
  • Updated dependencies & soft dependencies
  • Fixed ALLIES and ENEMIES not working. Even thogh it may have never happend in production and only during developmen, can't remember.
  • Fixed mobs sometimes spawning inside blocks. (Drowneds and Earthen golems)
  • Fixed sounds being spammed around
  • Some other things that I don't even remember. It's been almost 2 years after all!
  • Removed Taterbrine

Aqua light changes:

  • The ENEMIES target has compleatly changed: Now instead of trapping enemies in a weird looking and not so functional waterlogged root cage, it instead spawns a water column under the enemy sending them up into the air and letting them fall. The other things remain, but the trident now can't be picked up anymore
  • The Drowneds from the ALL target now won't attack the caster anymore, in any case, and they will attack even in the day and out of water every entity that attacks the caster or that the caster attacks
  • The Water Slide effect has been tweaked, spawing now 2/3 blocks of water in front of the player(s) and making the speed boost of the dolphin effect usable

Frost light changes:

  • The ENEMIES & ALL targets have changed, instead of spawning a weird looking ice statue the enemies will be trapped in Clear Ice, a non-suffocating block that melts like Frosted Ice (the one from Frost Walker enchantment) if the caster of the light moves away or the lights deactivates.
  • The frozen effect works better now, impeading every action and fixing the player look to where they were looking instead of their feet.
  • The freeze resistance effect doesn't have anymore a specif multiplier for its duration.

Heal light changes:

  • The VARIANT (ex-OTHER) target will now instead clear of any harmful status effects every peaceful or allied creature nearby, changing the criteria for the triggering accordingly. It won't get rid of the Light Fatigue effect.

Strength light changes:

  • The VARIANT (ex-OTHER) target will now instead give a buff in attacks speed to the caster

Earthen light changes:

  • The Earthen Golem now won't attack the player, or itself! (Yes, it became a masochist at some point). Will also attack anyone who attacks the player, or that the player attacks
  • Changed the Earthen Golem texture

Wind light changes:

  • The VARIANT (ex-OTHER) target has been renamed to ALL for consistency

Blazing light changes:

  • Reset your light, if you had one. If you are in a lucky 2% you may see some changes. Only visually. And spiritually.


  • Added permission for each command, following the format "lightwithin.commands.<command>". Use a permission mod like LuckPerms to set these.
  • Added a /light ready command. Works like activate, but the player has to press the keybind in order to activate the light.
  • Fixed the other commands sometimes not working
  • Added suggestion providers, so you will be able to see what light types you can set, and what target types!
  • Activate command now bypasses the cooldown/light being active.

If you find any bugs please post them on

TLDR Changed almost everything. If you want the long version:

  • Updated to 1.20.1 & 1.20.4
  • Reworked how light types and other attributes are determined, so you should probably reset your light using the provided command. Going a bit more in depth, the UUID is treated more properly and calculations of how rare a given thing is have been down. It's roughly 12.5% for each light type for example.
  • The duration of the lights has been extended, with a configurable multiplier. It can now range from 1-16 * 1.3.
  • The power multiplier now ranges from 1-10
  • The cooldown ranges from 10-170
  • New way of determine the way a player is in danger regarding the health: If hit by an entity, the damage done (accounting for armor & armor thoughness) will be used to predict the next hit. If the damage for the next hit would go below the HP percentage specified, it will trigger.
  • Changed the checks for when the lights trigger, go to the wiki to see how this impacts individual lights. Generally, there is now a threshold value to reach in order to activate the light, and multiple factors are required to reach it.
  • Added new triggers: Falling, Drowning, Burning, Freezing.
  • Renamed the OTHER target type to VARIANT (it's advised to the a light reset)
  • Added compatibility with the following mods, in regard to ALLIES and ENEMIES: Open Parties and Claims, Factions, Argonauts (parties & guilds), FTBTeams
  • Luxmutua berry now changes the target type too.
  • Allies now by default need to be under a certain HP percent to be able to recive buffs from a light activation (from another allied player, the caster)
  • The caster of an "ALLIES" light will recive only a partial buff for themselves instead of the full effect (this would have made them just a better version of SELF lights)
  • Added a option to "lock" a light with the /light set command. A player with a locked light won't be able to trigger it anymore, until it gets unlocked. It can be unlocked by eating a Luxintus berry, configurable.
  • Added a ton of config options, and dived the config in three files: The main lightwithin_config holds general things, the other two, balance and triggering contain light-specifc variables, the fist one is used for determine max/min values, the second one to adjust the trigger threshold and the contributions of each action/situation
  • Added an option to consider non-allies as enemies in the config, along with many others.
  • Low armor & Surrounded checks are now on by default
  • Added new triggers, Burning, freezing, drowning! Guess what will trigger which light type? Yes, you are correct.
  • Fixed bugs related to determining a light, especially when rerolling it with commands or berries
  • Fixed rendering of the ready icon and runes
  • Changed some of the messages in the action bar when activating a light
  • Added Clear Ice block. (Replaces the Ice statues, which are present, won't crash the game anymore, but only useful in creative mode and discontinued. I may remove them at some point. Or not.)
  • Internally refactored and moved around a lot of stuff and classes
  • Fixed icon & runes rendering while using replay mod
  • Fixed glow color not working anymore (ColoredGlowLib mod dependency)
  • Updated dependencies & soft dependencies
  • Fixed ALLIES and ENEMIES not working. Even thogh it may have never happend in production and only during developmen, can't remember.
  • Fixed mobs sometimes spawning inside blocks. (Drowneds and Earthen golems)
  • Fixed sounds being spammed around
  • Some other things that I don't even remember. It's been almost 2 years after all!
  • Removed Taterbrine

Aqua light changes:

  • The ENEMIES target has compleatly changed: Now instead of trapping enemies in a weird looking and not so functional waterlogged root cage, it instead spawns a water column under the enemy sending them up into the air and letting them fall. The other things remain, but the trident now can't be picked up anymore
  • The Drowneds from the ALL target now won't attack the caster anymore, in any case, and they will attack even in the day and out of water every entity that attacks the caster or that the caster attacks
  • The Water Slide effect has been tweaked, spawing now 2/3 blocks of water in front of the player(s) and making the speed boost of the dolphin effect usable

Frost light changes:

  • The ENEMIES & ALL targets have changed, instead of spawning a weird looking ice statue the enemies will be trapped in Clear Ice, a non-suffocating block that melts like Frosted Ice (the one from Frost Walker enchantment) if the caster of the light moves away or the lights deactivates.
  • The frozen effect works better now, impeading every action and fixing the player look to where they were looking instead of their feet.
  • The freeze resistance effect doesn't have anymore a specif multiplier for its duration.

Heal light changes:

  • The VARIANT (ex-OTHER) target will now instead clear of any harmful status effects every peaceful or allied creature nearby, changing the criteria for the triggering accordingly. It won't get rid of the Light Fatigue effect.

Strength light changes:

  • The VARIANT (ex-OTHER) target will now instead give a buff in attacks speed to the caster

Earthen light changes:

  • The Earthen Golem now won't attack the player, or itself! (Yes, it became a masochist at some point). Will also attack anyone who attacks the player, or that the player attacks
  • Changed the Earthen Golem texture

Wind light changes:

  • The VARIANT (ex-OTHER) target has been renamed to ALL for consistency

Blazing light changes:

  • Reset your light, if you had one. If you are in a lucky 2% you may see some changes. Only visually. And spiritually.


  • Added permission for each command, following the format "lightwithin.commands.<command>". Use a permission mod like LuckPerms to set these.
  • Added a /light ready command. Works like activate, but the player has to press the keybind in order to activate the light.
  • Fixed the other commands sometimes not working
  • Added suggestion providers, so you will be able to see what light types you can set, and what target types!
  • Activate command now bypasses the cooldown/light being active.

If you find any bugs please post them on

This is more like a patch, I've updated the ColoredGlowLib version to 2.0.1 and made it a soft dependency, meaning it won't be strictly required but it would be best to have it around anyway!

Sorry it took long again, but we are getting closed to the beta! The next thing should be re working the triggering methods, since i don't like it only being "be on low health", so keep that in mind while reading the changelog. This updated mainly introduces two more lights, the last ones of the elemental group for now! croak

  • The Wind Light, has 3 target types: SELF, ALLIES, OTHER. In can be triggered in open air, when your hp is low and when you are surrounded, and when you get hit by something. It doesn't care much about armor durability.

With SELF as target you can dash great distances, especially if you have a high power multiplier, as well as slow falling so you don't break your legs (most of the time). With ALLIES you and your allies will get boosts in speed, jump and haste. With OTHER you will concentrate the wind around you, and release it in a burst, launching away anyone around you.

  • The Aqua Light has the following target types:

SELF/ALLIES where you and or your allies will have a carpet of water always beneath you, and Dolphin's grace and the conduit effect to move very quickly on it ENEMIES where you will trap your enemies in a water cage, where they will drown almost immediatly, and if the power multiplier is high enough will be hit by a trident and by a lightning! ALL where you will summon a small army of drowneds, that will not attack you, as long as you shows signs of having an Aqua light (aka, eithier light active or fatigue effects applied)

There also are a bunch of QoL changes:

  • You can now disable the light runes with a config option
  • You can configure for how much they stay displayed
  • You can now auto-trigger a light (be careful: it could lead to structures spawining in your newly finished garden or something!)
  • Removed a frog from my keyboard and put it somewhere else. Don't know where, maybe in the mod.
  • The Heal light now triggers if the target is poisoned, and when it activates it clears it.
  • The are fewer particles tinted red/blue/green now.

There also are a few bug fixes, some quite importat, such as:

  • ALLIES target would have almost never triggered
  • the /light set duration didn't allow for values above 9, now it accepts values up to 18 (which is the max you can get "naturally"
  • The Heal light ALLIES now also affect the caster
  • Unfatted the jar (now it's 500kb lighter) by decreasing the sound quality, which can be improved again by dowloading the resource pack on github

  • Now the pillar structures have 2 blocks air gaps so the player won't suffucate in case of celing likeing to stand inside their heads

  • Fixed /light get all which didn't dispaly the cooldown correctly either

  • The light activation messages are now translatable
  • Fixed a bug that would have occasionally caused a crash when eating a Luxmutua berry/relloed a light
  • Fixed (most likely) a bug linked to the one above that upon world creation would send the player back to the main menu with a "Invalid Player Data" error
  • Fixed a bug that while using /light get all (or get cooldown) would have shown that player to not be in cooldown even though they were
  • Added a new command /light reload to reload the config without restarting the game
  • Now the /light commands can only be used by OP players. (Aka server admins, or yourself in singleplayer)
  • Now you won't need to download cardinal components api anymore

I was dumb and I forgot to add a way to trigger the Earthen light, meaning that it previously you could get it but couldn't use it. Sorry for the incovenience.

Finally a new release uh? Well I was busy studying for entrance exams (one of which I had this morning) so development kinda took a backseat. In this version:

  • Updated to have 1.19.2 compatibility
  • Updated Renderer library
  • Reworked some backend code so now it's easier to select target types
  • Added a new light: Earthen Light!
  • This new light is quite peculiar, since most of it is based around spawning structures, or rather create pillars or ravines.
  • To trigger it, a player will need to be within 3 block of at least two "natural" blocks, aka blocks that are replacable by moss. An alternative is having a stack of dirt in the inventory, but it will be consumed. Also, a player needs to be hit by something and be on low health and or surrounded. (The armor this time is NOT taken into account, the rest is configable as always)
  • Its possbile target types are the following: ENEMIES, SELF, ALLIES, OTHER.
  • "Enemies" will open a ravine under nearby foes, damaging them and appling mining fatigue (duration and power based on player's own light stats)
  • "Allies" will create a protective wall around nearby allies, with the possibility of adding a way out underground if the power multiplier of the player is high enough
  • "Self" will spawn a structure based on the player's power multiplier, it could be a small ravine around a 1-block pillar, a big pillar and a big ravine with a big pillar (which is kinda like a 7 diameter by 7 blocks tall and 5 blocks deep so be careful!) (also there may or may not be a fun easter egg when you activate your light) It will also grant a new status effect called "Solid Rock" which will increase the knockback resistance of the player! (I might remove this feature tho!)
  • "Other" will instead spawn an Earth Golem, which kinda like an Iron Golem but will attack whoever attacks its owener, and has half the health but is quicker. It can be repaired using obsidian. Also, if you attack them even if you are the owener, he won't be pleased by that.
  • New config options, the most important of which is NON_FUNDAMENTAL_STRUCTURE_GRIEFING, which is going to spawn fundamental structures like the ones spawned by earthen light or by frost light, but not decorative ones such as the one from blazing light.
  • New subcommand for /light get, now you can write /light get all <player> to get all of their lightstats!
  • Fixed a minor bug with previous lights
  • Also started working on the wiki, or rather the planning of its structure! If feel like helping constructing it, DM me!

Fixed a bug with status effects crashing the game when applied to allies/other entities that yourself.

In this release I've added a bunch of QoL commands and tweaked the FrostLight!

  • All commands start with /light or /lightwithin, whichever you prefer
  • /light set <type/target/power/duration/cooldown> <player> <value> With this command you will be able to set a specific value for the InnerLight type, target, power ecc.. of somone. Valid value arguments are listed at the end of this changelog.
  • /light get <type/target/power/duration/cooldown> <player> will send a message to the sender about the requested information on the light of a player
  • /light reset <player> will reset the light of a player to its original values. Useful for updating data when the mods adds new light types
  • /light reroll <typeTarget/power/duration/cooldown> <player> will reroll the type and the target (both at the same time) or the power or duration or cooldown with a new value for a player
  • /light activate <player> [delay] will forcefully activate the light of a player, with an optional delay expressed in seconds
  • The ForstLight now spawns a Frozen Mob statue if it freezes a mob (it still based on a zombie, and i probably won't differentiate mobs further)
  • The Frost Wall of the self/allies target type has been changed
  • Updatetd the config with 2 new entries, so you will need to regenerate the config manually again. (copy the contents of the old file and paste them in place of the corresponding ones in the new file)
  • List of possibile values for the light "type" argument (NOT case sensitive): heal, defense, strength, blazing, frost
  • List of possibile values for the light "target" argument (NOT case sensitive): self, allies, other, all, enemies
  • Added 2 new Lights! The Blazing Light & Frost Light They are a bit more rare than the other three!
  • Added the Blazing Light! With this light, you are going to incinerate all of your enemies (and also your allies if you are not careful), setting the on fire and damaging them with fire as damage type (so watch out, it won't work with blazes and such!) It has two target types: ENEMIES which is going to target only the Enemy players (enemy Factions) or HostileEntities such as zombies and creepers that are not allied with you. ALL , which is going to target everything in the area around the player, allies included. Althought it will be able to do more damage. To trigger it you will need the usual requirements (low health, incresed by a 10% since you could be on fire)+ something that emits fire, which could be yourself or an item you are holding, or maybe a block near you! A structure will spawn, and if it crits it will spawn a ring of fire too!
  • Added the Frost Light! This light has four possible targets: ENEMIES & ALL for attacck puposes and SELD & ALLIES for defence. It is triggered under the usual conditions + you will need to be freezing/holding something cold/near a cold block (vanilla). For the attacck section you will instantly freeze up all of your enemies into statue of ice (that for some reason, always resemble a player... hmm.. (yes i'm gonna add more frozen statues later ok ok)) and will also do some freezing damage to them. They are going to be under a new status effect as well, called Frost (more on that later). Also an icy structure will spawn. If the target are SELF/ALLIES then the light will spawn a wall in front of you and your allies putting a barrier between you and the enemy. It will also grant the Freeze Resistance status effect, which is the counter part of the Fire Resistance effect! The damage done and the duration of the effect are different from player to player, even if they are limited between certain values to not make the lights extremely weak nor overpowerd.
  • Along with them their, particles, sounds etc...
  • Frost Effetc! The frost effect is meant to be used only by the frost light, but with commands you could apply it anyway. This effect compleatly blocks the entity in place, preventing it from moving entirely, head included.
  • New trigger (exclusive to the new lights for now): Ally death! When one of your allies gets defeated around you, your light will have a chance to trigger if the right conditions are met! (Currently only for Blazing&Frost)
  • Now the tootlpis of the berries are two lined, for better reading experience
  • Fixed a few bugs & prints (high likely added more of them)
  • Added a ton more config options both for the new lights and the old ones
  • New internal checks for the Factions and fixed a bug related to it (now also checks for the Allied Faction members)
  • Added the Luxcognita's descriptions to the language file (so they can be translated now)
  • Now the Luxberries spawn inside loot chests following this: LuxCognita chances: 23% defualt (1/2) (Mineshaft, Igloo,dungeon, pillager), 27% shipwreck (only 1) deepdarl 35%, library 50% LuxIntus chances: 7% defualt (1) (Mineshaft(1/2), Igloo, shipwreck, dungeon, pillager), deepdark 12% chance, library 12% LuxMutua chances: 2% defualt (1) (Mineshaft, Igloo, dungeon, library), 3% shipwreck, 7% deep dark (1/2), 0% pillager EndCity all +1%
  • Probably added something else that I don't remember eheh.
  • Anyway the other 3 element lights will be coming shortly, but I want to work on some other projects in the mean time

Finally a new update! In this version:

  • Updated the mod to 1.19 (it won't be compatible anymore with 1.18.2/1.17.1 ecc)
  • Added compatibility with the Factions mod, so if you are in the same faction with another player, and you have the ALLIES light target, it will be able to trigger!
  • Added new checks for the trigger of a light(each one configurable in the config):
  • Checks to see if the player/s are surrounded by other mobs
  • Checks to see if the player/s have near-broken armor. (Disabled by default)

This means that in order to activate a light, a player will also need to be surrounded by mobs (default having 5 hostile entities near them) and/or have low armor durability! This adds a bit more to the complexity of the trigger, so it's more like a "coming to help when you need it the most" kind of feeling, closer to what I originnally imagined.

  • Modfied the config a bit as well so you will need to update it. Backup your old file and then remove it (simply renaming it will also work). Now there are a bit more options to explore as well!
  • Also changed its extension, so it's more readable in notepad++

Also I'm starting to work on 4/5 new light types, based on the elements. So stay tuned and share this with your friends!

This version already includes ColoredGlowLib

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID