Lock On Refabricated

Lock On Refabricated


Unofficial port of Lock On to fabric.

Client Game MechanicsUtility

1 follower
Created6 days ago
Updated5 days ago

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Lock On Refabricated

Unofficial port of Lock On to fabric. All credit goes to the original author, and I'd also like to thank them for allowing for their mod to be reused in any way.

For those unfamiliar with Lock On, it is a mod adding the targeting feature from The Legend Of Zelda series (and any other series with that feature, but it is done in the style of the Zelda targeting) See the 'images' tab for a visual representation of the mod in action.

HOW TO USE: Stand near a living entity (it's like 16 block range, but the code is slightly broken at the moment), then press Z on your keyboard You should lock onto the entity, and see the target outline. Push Z again to un-lock on. if you are targeting an entity, and there are other entities nearby, push tab to switch targets.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID