Luna's Mod

Luna's Mod


Adds new tools, armor, blocks, and foods for your enjoyment!

Client and server DecorationEquipmentFood

Created2 years ago
Updated2 years ago

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Luna's Mod

A mod made by Luna N. Willis

"What's it about?"

Luna's mod adds a whole lot of new materials and recipes to craft and use. It aims to be a Vanilla+ mod that adds new mechanics and idea without feeling too unbalanced or out of the reach of vanilla.

"What kind of things does it add?"

There are new recipes, (such as smelting rotten flesh into leather, and a way to craft budding amethyst), it adds new tool sets that all have unique properties and textures, new armor, 5 new foods, many new blocks that can be used for both decoration and function.

"How finished is it?"

It is currently quite unfinished and has a long way to go to meet my goals for the future. I'd say it's roughly 5% done.

For more information on my mod, check out my wiki.

"What do I do if I find a bug or have a suggestion?"

Unfortunately I do not have an official way to receive bug reports as of yet, but if you want to contact me about it, feel free to send suggestions or bugs you found in an email to Don't be afraid to email me about anything; I don't bite!

You can also send it to the GitHub source at

Suggested mods to get: - Allows you to search up and see crafting recipes for items. Very useful since moded recipes aren't unlocked like normal ones. - Shows you what block you're looking at. Let's you know what something is.

Enjoy what I've made so far!

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID