Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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This is a set of tools aimed to help testing mod elements, building structures and administrating SMPs.
Day And Weather Cycles Switch
Key bind (default F10)
Useful while generating dozens of new worlds while testing something.
Air To Structure Void Staff
On right-click:
Changes air to structure void in 10 block radius around you.
_Useful while creating custom structures.
Anvil Staff
On right-click:
Reapair the item in your off-hand to full durability...
...or damage a full durabiliy item down to 1 durability.
_Useful for testing mod elements that revolve around damaging or repairing items.
Cave Air Staff
On right-click:
Changes air to cave air in 10 block radius around you.
_Useful while creating custom underground structures.
Clock Staff
On right-click:
Turn day time 1000 ticks forwards
On sneak + right-click:
Turn day time 1000 ticks backwards*
*it technically turns it 23000 ticks forwards
_Useful for testing daytime-releated mod elements.
Config Staff
On right-click:
Opens the Magical Creative Tools mod config GUI.
_In the GUI you can:
_-choose one of two sounds for the tools or turn off their sounds
_-turn off particles of the tools
Death Staff
Upon hitting an entity:
Sets the hit entity's health to 0.
_Useful for testing mod elements related to mobs.
Depoisonous Staff
On right-click:
Removes all effects from you.
_Useful for testing mod elements related to effects.
Destroyer 3000
Huge knockback.
Makes the BONK meme sound on hit.
_Zero damage + Knockback X.
_Useful for punishing troublesome players on a server.
Earth Staff
On right-click:
Teleports you to the Overworld.
You may end up in a wall or in the air... it teleports you to the same coordinates as your current ones.
_Useful for fast travel.
End Staff
On right-click:
Teleports you to the End.
You may end up in a wall or in the air... it teleports you to the same coordinates as your current ones.
_Useful for fast travel.
Food Staff
On right-click:
If you're hungry - it fills the hunger and saturation bars.
If you're not hungry - it empties the hunger and saturation bars.
_Useful for testing food-related mod elements.
Healing Staff
If you're hurt - you regain full health.
If you have full health - it sets your health to 1.
_Useful for testing health-related mod elements.
Horizontal Block Rotation Staff
On right-click on block:
Rotate the block horizontally in clockwise direction.
Sneak + right-click on block:
Rotate the block horizontally in counter-clockwise direction.
_Useful for building.
Lava Staff
On right-click:
Teleports you to the Nether.
You may end up in a wall or in the air... it teleports you to the same coordinates as your current ones.
_Useful for fast travel.
Night Vision Staff
On right-click:
Turns infinite Night Vision on or off for you.
_Useful for testing things in darkness and building in darkness.
Registry Name Staff
On right-click:
Opens a GUI for checking registry names of blocks and items.
The registry name can be copied - click on it and use:
[Ctrl + A] and [Ctrl + C].
_Useful for documenting mods e.g. in a form of a WIKI.
Replace Blocks Staff
On right-click on a block:
Replaces the blocks of the same type as the one you clicked on.
They are replaced with the block you are holding in your off-hand.
The radius of replacing is the number of blocks in your off-hand.
The difference between this and the /fill command is that
the replaced blocks will keep their blockstate, rotation,
inventory and other NBT data.
_Useful for building.
Speed Staff
On right-click:
Gain +1 level of infinite Speed effect.
Sneak + right-click:
Remove the Speed effect from yourself.
_Useful for moving around.
Vertical Block Rotation Staff
On right-click on block:
Rotate the block vertically.
_Useful for building.
If you want to support me and help me creating even more mods consider buying me a coffee... or a fruit shake or a pizza ;D ...or whatever will I be eating at the moment xDD