


Add an infinite number of department stores. The interior decorations (escalators, atriums, high ceilings) and cross-linked walkways will be generated after the player enters, so wait a bit.

Client and server EquipmentMagicWorld Generation

Created2 months ago
Updated2 months ago

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Add an infinite number of department stores. The interior decorations (escalators, atriums, high ceilings) and cross-linked walkways will be generated after the player enters, so wait a bit. There are seven types of store compartments in the department store, and you can escape by patrolling in a predetermined order While sightseeing in the department store, you must collect fragments (writable_book) of memories that show some of the route to the store that you need to return to. Once you've collected them and solved the correct route, you need to find a place where the route is lined up. You may know that a department store is interrupted, or that you bump into a staircase meeting hall. But even obstacles If not, there is no need to be scared because the target store is designed to be next to two places, one horizontally and one above and below.

Add an infinite number of department stores. The interior decorations (escalators, atriums, high ceilings) and cross-linked walkways will be generated after the player enters, so wait a bit. There are seven types of store compartments in the department store, and you can escape by patrolling in a predetermined order.

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Client side
Server side
Project ID