- Moved to 1.21.1 for NeoForge/Fabric
- Adds Common Networking to required mods.
- Moved away from Curios/Trinkets to Accessories.
- BFG ball doesn't always render. Still works however.
- Alt Firing mods like meathook, microwave beam, and such are disabled/not included. Due to vanilla changes, these must be reworked.
v7.0.8 *** Final 1.20.1 version to be pushed. Moving to 1.20.4 NeoForge/Fabric ***
- Rewrites Mob projectile damage logic to fix crashing.
- Update Fabric Argent Paxel to use vanilla checks for shovel/stripping maps
- Adds new MicrowaveBeam sound effect.
- Rewrote and redid how the Microwave looks.
- Microwave beam is able to stun lock doom mobs from attacking.