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Added A New Material That Can Be Turned Into A Block And Starts As A Ore: Test Dust, New Recipes For Test Dust, A New Advancement, A Test Dust Tooltip And Procedure, A New Test Villager Trade Pack, and A Item Extension For A Vanilla Item.

Re-Organized The Creative Tab, Added A Hidden Tab, Unselectable Due To Item Shortage, Test Gem, A New Painting Design, A New Block That Has A Binded GUI To It, But The GUI Is Useless, A Test Biome, and More!

New Feat-


Initial Release Features: Test Block (A blue block that has the iron material which needs a harvest level value of 2 or higher to drop its item (which is the bubble column so the game realises that item is illegal and doesn't drop it. but might be fixed). It has a sound set of normal wood. Hardness: 6, Resistance: 7.3, Slipperiness: 0.6, Jump Factor: 1, Speed Factor: 1.3, Luminance: 10. It can spawn in the Beach, Badlands, Soul Sand Valley and Frozen River. The average amount of the ore groups per chunk is 4 while average number of test blocks in the a group is 8. Min Gen height is -40, max is -19.) A recipe for the Test Block A test potion effect: there is no actual potion for it yet, as it will maybe be added in future updates. Added a new damage type. Added 2 new advancements which won't work properly when TerraFirmaCraft is installed. Added a new fluid. More coming soon!

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