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Published 11 months ago
Updated 3 weeks ago
Some mods suffer the issue of adding materials such as ores, and not having enough uses for them. For instance, a material may be used to craft a set of equipment, or a particular block or two, and nothing else.
The goal of these materials is to have more uses. There should be reasons to collect large amounts of them, even if slightly niche. The current features are as follows:
Cosmite Set:
- Cosmite Ore: Generates in the End, between y=20 and y=70. This is essentially the entirety of an island excluding the very bottom, unless a mod affects End generation.
- Cosmite Block: In addition to being a storage block for Cosmite, falling blocks such as sand, gravel, or anvils will defy gravity when placed next to or below one.
- Cosmite Boots: Equivalent to Iron Boots in terms of armor and durability, but also halves the gravity of the wearer.
- Cosmic Arrow: Similar to the standard Arrow, but defies gravity.
- Cosmic Lantern: Similar to the standard Lantern, but doesn't need a support block.
- When crafting Firework Rockets, including Cosmite in the recipe increases the flight duration by 1 for a new maximum of 4.
- Additionally, all items made of Cosmite defy gravity when dropped.
Infernium Set:
- Infernium Ore: Generates in the Nether, between y=70 and y=120. You will find this ore mostly near the Nether roof. When naturally spawned Infernium Ore is mined without Silk Touch, it spawns lava.
- Infernium Block: Functions similar to magma blocks in that it burns when stepped on, but it cannot be used to create bubble columns.
- Infernium Dust: When combined with any food item, enhances it. Food enhanced with Infernium restore extra hunger, but burn the consumer.
- Infernium Lighter: Functionally equivalent to Flint and Steel, but places Infernal Fire which burns infinitely regardless of block and does not spread. Entities unfortunate enough to step in Infernal Fire are caught on fire for two minutes.
- Infernium Tools: Slightly higher mining speed than Iron, same damage as Iron, slightly less durability than Diamond. When the user is on fire, these tools have increased mining speed and attack damage (on par with Netherite) and have a chance to not use durability.
While this mod is in a state where it can be released as a beta, there are more plans for this mod. Some future plans:
- More materials, possibly. I need to come up with ideas for materials.
- More things to do with those materials. Infernium notably is lacking uses to make it meaningful.
- Configurability. Currently this mod cannot be configured whatsoever, and I will not declare this mod to be ready for a proper release until it can be configured.
- Mod compatibility, to make these materials meaningful in more cases.
If you have any suggestions, feel free to stop by the Github issues page or Discord and leave them there.