


High-tech machinery, powerful energy generation, fancy gadgets and more. Now on Modrinth!

Client and server EquipmentStorageTechnology

Created2 years ago
Updated9 days ago

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b792593 - Restructure our GameTests:
- Added the tests for transporters from (#7748)
- Reduced the number of game test sourcesets to one, and allow it to access all the other mekanism modules
- Make use of Neo's Game Test Framework as it is nicer to work with and will eventually allow us to validate the tests via GHA
- Moved the run configs to using their own run folders
bacc188 - Attempt to make our Game Tests run on push whenever we change a java file
fd6e6e9 - Add a couple helper methods to ConnectionType to make it slightly clearer in places what is going on logically
5fa4404 - Cleanup some of the game tests to use more specific types and avoid using mutable to capture intermediary results
f8efd06 - Restructure transmitter chunk reloading tests so that the event listeners are only present for the test
4df3d6b - Add a helper to get the default block state for block providers
e1ebc6e - Improve memory churn of path caching by making cached paths immutable and using the cached list directly in the destination logic rather than copying it
99747f3 - Add a couple helper methods to Path to make it a little clearer what is going on, and remove flowing stack targets when there are no more stacks being sent to a location
d4eb85f - Try to recalculate idle paths when they reach their destination rather than just having them indefinitely idle
89e70aa - Short circuit a little logic to avoid looking up the side multiple times for transporters, mostly bringing parity up to (#7748) except for the network wide changes
33e72ba - Add a test and fix not being able to actually insert items back home when the destination stops being willing to accept them
dd222eb - Continue adding more transporter related game tests, and fix accidentally breaking stuff in previous commits
fca8280 - Write tests for a lot of the remaining transporter functionality
6b9da80 - Update Neo and use custom game test helpers instead of static methods in our tests
c53a41c - Improve remainder distribution to try and split the remainder as evenly as possible between the various destinations before falling back to sending to the first one it will fit in (#6617) (#8062)

Co-authored-by: Thiakil <>  

a75d18c - use correct endbatch method
9f93887 - New Crowdin updates (#8059)
b66db9e - Bump version to 10.5.20

f589238 - Update what example version we provide for how to get mek into maven
e4fa6e9 - Fix visuals too big tooltips not displaying properly, and fix tooltips sometimes flickering when changing rapidly
2792ad0 - Make intellij always download javadocs and sources if available
7a66935 - Fix occasionally creating invalid tooltips that then cause crashes (#8058)
d8278dd - Improve handling and actually directly support connecting QIO exporters to transporters
- Directly uses transporter methods which should provide slightly better performance (and allows it to bypass the transporter's pull limit)
- Supports using round-robin mode when inserting into transporters
- Supports attempting to accept rejects that got sent back by transporters
- Visually connects to transporters (#7973)
cc383ac - Have the exporter only validate that the transporter is connected a single time
a82e046 - Cache various values that are based on number of installed upgrades
2401c84 - Bump version to 10.5.19

2d4099c - move changelog to markdown and set up a discord webhook for releases
7cbb5f7 - unroll Resizable Cuboid loops to draw an axis at a time and reduce repeated calculations
remove some redundant overrides
904f1d2 - Fix being unable to place blocks that have bounding blocks (#8052)
068736d - Work on removing more capturing lambdas
eb8c3bc - Make PacketUtils#container nullable instead of using an optional
47807de - Remove almost all the remaining recipe input cache related capturing lambdas
9cfd091 - Move canFunction to a method on TileEntityMekanism
3ad418c - Remove capturing lambdas from acting as a fake player
ade6faa - Improve performance of factory sorting and inserting by removing capturing lambdas from hot paths
7e605b8 - pass boolean through the chain rather than an atomic variable
8004e0e - swap outline renderers to transform the baked quads directly
086b5b8 - Remove capturing lambdas from active jetpack lookup
68269ef - Revert "swap outline renderers to transform the baked quads directly"

This reverts commit 8004e0eef66bcf0026ed182fe832438011be47f3.  

a582d95 - inline an always capturing lambda method and avoid allocating a data class just to use an instance method
bddc40f - reduce some object churn in rendertickhandler
d5ef0eb - Don't allow fluids to replace our blocks
e1b05e9 - Make it so that structural multiblocks don't tick (structural glass and reactor glass) (#8051)
94f6f67 - redo outlines using XFact's normal calculations
2912fc3 - poor man's line dedupe
ab256d4 - Don't go back and forth between floats and doubles, and simplify how we unpack the vertices and calculate normal
2f4c4b6 - Remove capturing lambda's from MekanismJavaModel's wireframe rendering, and calculate normals of the wireframes properly. Also use hashes for comparing lines
caf58da - Remove capturing lambda's from vein and blast mining calculations
8da0a1f - Get rid of capturing lambda's in the security system
b61e724 - Continued removal of capturing lambdas
763f8a1 - Continued removal of capturing lambdas
f26d90a - Remove capturing lambdas from inventory frequency eject handling
4f5ef0e - Remove some gui related capturing lambdas
e7969e3 - Reduce capturing lambdas for various parts of gui code interaction
2a1241c - inline some single use constructors and normalisation to avoid object allocation
9a26907 - generate a hashcode method
36cfb52 - dont keep the lines hashset around longer than we need it
f079cc5 - let transparent renderers batch properly
124d710 - cache multiblock render aabb
8763cba - Refactor how we handle tooltips to make use of minecraft's builtin system:
- Allows properly forwarding element tooltips to EMI
- Make moveable filter buttons properly use the child system so that the tooltips can render for the arrow buttons
26c2e68 - Revert some changes to click handling that caused crashes
d9df0bb - Use constants for certain true false displays
ea18b72 - Move configurator slot hovering tooltips to the slot rather than being on the main gui
70c4940 - Improve the ScreenRectangle we use for tooltip rendering of slot based lists
f4bd54f - Wrap fission force disabled tooltip to be in line with other tooltip rendering
9825e38 - Update tin textures to provide a bit more contrast throughout each texture and make them appear less flat (thanks rid)
e522531 - New Crowdin updates (#8053)
ce59cf0 - Bump version to 10.5.18

add7fd1 - fix wrong pos given to ticking chunk check
8ba8fcd - bump version to 10.5.17

c455c17 - Don't output from QEs that are not in ticking chunks
7279fc0 - Fix dupe in ejector component due to not actually setting the handler
44ab987 - Bump version to 10.5.16

57de5f2 - replace HashList with a set-backed object to improve trusted frequency checking
e362284 - micro-optimise the frequency backing map
5971eed - check chunk loaded and set dirty in one operation
0e3916d - remove logging
3895dfb - avoid floatinglong copy when not needed
585e81f - use a more direct method to determine heat capability in hot path
02dfea1 - completely skip radiation handling if no gas handler
ecca3e3 - Improve the performance of the charge distribution unit, and also improve the performance of saving the energy distribution of universal cables
9f291f5 - Fix energy bar rendering twice on robits in Jade
abb5ece - cache active attribute to avoid map lookups
ca2beef - Allow clearing configuration data from config cards by crafting them
a4e8db3 - fix Hashlist and SyncableCollection not syncing
3698916 - avoid copying FloatingLong.ZERO
8a003bc - let qio dashboard middle click withdraw 1 item at a time to the cursor, depositing one if slot not matching
d7d9eab - give filter guis a little more breathing room and some better text details
5f3ac4f - add ability to clear data from config card by sneak clicking air
be4698b - Cache energy capabilities for ejections of things like quantum entangloporters and the like
aa3ff5f - Flip certain icons to display what their current setting is and then have text display what it will set it to
afe26bc - Enable neo milk fluid, and allow milking cows and goats using a fluid tank on bucket mode
39512d4 - Change the order of the side config tabs for a few machines to prioritize opening a type that will actually need to be changed
383ef07 - Allow modules to stack to 64 in the player's inventory
ff8bb35 - Add a nucleosynthesizing recipe for echo shards
d293a54 - Don't allow modifying the set of supported upgrades, and slightly optimize behavior for one and two element sets
90a6379 - Switch to a regular hashset for players using
f9c55ad - Remove stream usage from recipe cache lookup to remove some capturing lambdas and cleanup corresponding profiling data
16b3565 - Substantial performance improvement of multiblock ejecting by having the multiblock eject once across all outputs, instead of having each output try to eject the remaining value
8f9f01b - Remove a few extra calls of sending an update packet to the client
3287956 - Fix typo causing last commit to not compile
c6d92d2 - Remove streams from chemical attribute validator
cc86d9f - Don't recreate the supported data type set every call
3ffdc70 - Add some shortcut overrides to heat handlers to avoid having to get the list of heat capacitors multiple times
eb36b37 - Remove a good number of capturing lambdas
381c303 - Reduce capturing lambdas and cleanup logic for chemical tank wrappers to make profiling data cleaner
d336223 - Slightly reduce complexity of getting what config sides line up with specific data types
a745a5f - Short circuit logic for looking up wrapped handler for bins and ejectors
1acaf44 - unroll loop using method reference lambda
ed67a3b - move security frequencies from the map to a field
2e8d90d - unroll more capturing lambdas
f048e38 - New Crowdin updates (#8044)

 New translations [ci skip]
f5ae8c0 - bump version
820566d - Use Object2LongMap entry iterator to avoid boxing and unboxing
6448784 - Simplify DataBasedBakedModel and add support for proxying useAmbientOcclusion based on model data
bbd4cbb - Fix a couple places things weren't moved away from capturing lambda's quite properly
993532c - Use primitive maps for structure handling and also remove a capturing lambda
3f9536e - Remove capturing removeIf lambdas
e4c6659 - Remove a bunch of capturing lambdas from places we interact with things as streams
bcf24f3 - Work on removing capturing lambdas from optional filtering
804bae2 - Work on removing capturing lambdas from optional mapping
11e711e - Fix a couple more capturing lambdas
a01205d - Remove handling of doing a best effort job of loading 1.20.1 data in 1.20.4. Worlds don't fully upgrade, but if you want to do so make sure to first load using an older version
4e4a734 - Remove more cases of capturing lambdas when checking if an optional is present
9572007 - Remove even more cases of capturing lambdas when checking if an optional is present
6c19987 - Remove some unused code
20bdde3 - Bump build number for testing experimental changes on FC
e1fe2bc - Fix QIO Drive Array using the wrong lang entry for displaying how many types are stored
3ea5fd8 - remove/deprecate optionals from meka module system
2a343a5 - Add javadocs to new IModuleHelper methods and also remove the duplicate method and add a TODO to rename the current method
be80310 - Move gravitational modulating energy usage to the module itself, now that it just handled via attributes
b97eed8 - add methods to avoid using an iterator to get the first window in the LRU
79851ef - Handle flamethrower usage and entity spawning by overriding item use methods, and allow the flamethrower to be fired from the offhand
b1206bb - Fix getItemInHand accuracy for non players
4e2097b - Remove capturing lambdas when updating swim and step height attributes
303b59c - Continued work on removing capturing lambdas
aca4444 - Remove more capturing lambdas from various forEach calls
32e0b5f - Remove capturing lambdas from custom selection box rendering for non java models
a7ea195 - Address some automated code inspections
2dac808 - Cache the capturing lambdas used by the cached recipe system when calculating the operations that can be performed each tick
0826d16 - Added "isIgnited" to FusionReactorMultiblockData and fixed a typo in OneInputCachedRecipe (#8049)
f5d7a1e - Pause recipe processing if there are errors that stop it from being able to be processed. Should make backed up machines a bit more performant
e8f9f64 - Fix peak and head methods for LRU
eac6619 - Cache non transporter item eject cap targets
e022c13 - Only initialize the HandlerTransitRequest item map if we have any items in it
0ced834 - Check if a slot is full before checking the corresponding recipes as in general especially with lots of recipes it will actually be the quicker check
4762009 - Fix slot randomization order not being respected
317a724 - Avoid world lookup for special case handling of inserting into transporters
e4ebb42 - Remove capturing lambdas from transporter insert helpers
9aa016d - Remove more capturing lambdas, including those in multiblock structure validation
c87f6f6 - optimise out hot-path foreach
b65fd0f - optimise radiation calculation
a1d32f0 - Add javadocs to new api methods
adaf702 - Optimize the builtin ChemicalAttributeValidators to not require looping the attributes
7c82452 - dont add handlers to tile variables if they're not going to be used
07465a1 - trigger game event only on succeeding to store fluid
2ee7783 - Micro-optimize by using the empty Collections instead of the Collection#of variant as the empty Collection no-ops the results
302d520 - split out tile entities in the profiler using different method reference locations
0b68b91 - Fix induction providers accidentally ticking and split out some other call sites for purposes of how the profiler splits things up and to make it easier to eventually refactor some blocks to not tick
5008597 - Move chargepad client tick logic to the block type
45e7c0c - Remove unused client block entity tickers
1730b27 - Update bump min neo version to 20.4.223 to improve performance of our ingredient checks
84e793c - NO-OP most JEI methods when EMI is loaded to ensure that emi doesn't contain screen interaction handlers for both, and allows slightly speeding up indexing time
6e50d9a - Return that our ingredients we expose in UIs to EMI are not clickable and can only be looked at via the keybinds
d1139e3 - New Crowdin updates (#8045)
8f891fe - Bump version to 10.5.15

9aa801b - Improve performance of TileComponentUpgrade
2c55c6d - Reduce BlockPos allocations in a few of the WorldUtils methods
72bc520 - use constants for mouse buttons
b6b74cd - make right click in qio take half a stack, not half of total stored
dcddd35 - move trusted user checks to helper method (no benefit for now)
dcf8adb - add hashcode to piggyback name
f81da86 - use map override of foreach
079f71a - rate limit frequency updating and add some logging
dbd36b8 - Prefer mouse button middle to mouse button 3
de4f646 - Remove nullable warning for level by passing it directly
949f4f5 - Fix robit repair screen error sprite rendering
b79d67a - Improve performance of handling for fluids, chemicals, and energy:
 - Reduces the frequency of capturing lambdas
 - Looks up containers a single time for batch operations
 - Make use of batched methods for some slots that weren't using them (at least when the implementation of the item is a mekanism item)
 - Fixes some weirdness with what tanks fission and boiler ports expose
000a83c - Actually distribute frequency component updating across ticks
6022c0b - Make offset threadsafe
973b701 - Allow transparent plastic blocks to be placed inside framed blocks
ebd4cf9 - Switch persists and handles checks to using INVOKEVIRTUAL instead of INVOKEINTERFACE
3b40467 - Fix having accidentally broken the ability to encode formulas
2a470df - Allow using the section symbol for robit names to allow for robit names to have colors (
663e512 - Transition over to using MutableBlockPos in a variety of locations to try and cutdown on allocations
cdc3f6c - New translations en_us.json (#8043)
67374bb - Bump version to 10.5.13

4453f04 - Add some missing cull faces to various models
de8cd4b - Fix current stored energy not updating properly in GUIs on a dedicated server after installing energy upgrades
0658573 - Use pick block for displaying blocks as stacks in the seismic reader
149de3e - Improve robustness of our saved data implementation to try and perform an atomic move
a816c61 - Limit the stack size of the formulaic assemblicator's formula slot to one
fc4855d - Cleanup formulas sometimes not stacking
70df777 - Improve flamethrower particle positioning when riding a vehicle
e0f2507 - Don't allow using a jetpack while riding a vehicle
8a748f5 - New Crowdin updates (#8039)
382ebcf - Bump version to 10.5.12

514f619 - Improve performance of formulaic assemblicator:
 - Short circuit logic for checking if a stack is a valid ingredient for a given position
 - Stop checking as soon as we find if an item is a valid ingredient rather than finding all spots it is a valid ingredient for
 - Don't try to move items from the input to the crafting grid if nothing has changed since we last failed to do so
 - Only recalculate the recipe when it might have changed instead of in many situations
938a6ca - Move a large portion of repeated capability usage in tiles (such as auto eject) to using block capability caches to avoid having to lookup the chunks as often
20d45f3 - Allow the evap tower to render up to the very top to fix some rendering weirdness with valves
de8d80f - Fix z-fighting in ultimate fluid tanks that are very close to being empty
4f46ded - Skip some vararg creation of empty arrays
f597572 - New Crowdin updates (#8036)
3136f3e - More vararg creation skipping
9193e01 - Bump version to 10.5.11

d61d773 - move grav module to the attribute system
5434ff8 - merge if statements
e4f483b - bump version to 10.5.9
5232b51 - fix neo min version
07490e5 - Add native support for EMI (#8035) and don't allow for using recipe viewer hotkeys on stacks in mekanism gui's when a text box is currently selected so that it is easier to search in the QIO without the recipe viewer displaying a recipe
32b2df8 - Update deps and perform some basic gradle cleanup
5dd0fa3 - Allow making muffling upgrades with copper
541e545 - Don't allow a turbine to form with no dispersers
775a435 - Display redstone adapter current target in looking at mods, and also improve display for when looking at something that is empty
6b66c8a - Only make chargepads be "active" if they are actively charging something (
e103cf5 - Fix already configured QIO adapters not emitting redstone on placement
b066716 - Fix not being able to insert buckets into tanks until the tank has at least a bucket worth of fluid
88c36d4 - Compare against epsilon for determining whether to cancel the fall event
1999a88 - Add crafting recipes to allow recombining plastic slabs into a full plastic block
897441d - Fix valve rendering for of thermal evaporation plants on the north or south face when at the very top of the tower
be1dbdb - Make gauges always display at least a bit of their contents if they are not empty
480ace5 - Only set the initial focus when it is actually the initial opening of the screen, rather than when leaving jei or resizing minecraft
bd615dd - Allow configuring jetpack thrust multiplier separately for jetpacks in hover mode
b70075b - Increase the max length for robit names to match what would be possible via an anvil, and properly enforce it as part of the name packet
4cc7356 - Add some missing BOP compat recipes
9141589 - Add a block of bio fuel
48b04dc - Add a client config and a button to not auto-focus the QIO's search bar when opened
80951d3 - Don't allow inserting primary items into a factory if the secondary input doesn't match
7062b6f - New Crowdin updates (#8030)
a48f9b5 - Bump version to 10.5.10
bdd2a45 - Fix maven publish

by pupnewfster on Mar 19, 2024

bd726f9 - handle free runners properly, avoid THUNK sound and play a step sound instead
a366090 - remove other unused method
58dce92 - make jetpack forward boost less ridiculous
0c4bc58 - bump version to 10.5.8

by pupnewfster on Mar 14, 2024

fb30c5f - Fix true dedication advancement
e553d4d - Fix removing modules disconnecting clients from servers
f55446c - Display what a bin is locked to in things like Jade
7603aae - Allow clearing text boxes by right-clicking them
8910190 - Make the gauge dropper transfer 250 mB by default instead of 256 mB to make it easier to transfer a bucket from one place to another
283053e - Actually fix empty locked bins not accepting items when double clicked with an empty hand
83c7032 - Fix certain cases where double-clicking to condense items into a stack wouldn't work properly in machines
164bb5a - Reorder QIO based advancements to not have them have a dep on polonium as they no longer require it to start the tree
2aa0e29 - Don't allow using a wrench to dismantle blocks that currently contain radioactive substances
cddc235 - Minor cleanup for a couple places we translate things
8eea470 - Fix capabilities not being invalidated when rotating a tile with a wrench
4f56533 - Fix missing chemical bar on the mekasuit when empty
6506162 - Don't directly pass keyPress or charType events to non-gui elements... Stops FTB Library from breaking enter handling in Mekanism text boxes
dba091e - Fix player momentum not persisting through teleporters in the same dimension
6d13eb0 - Remove clean from publish workflow, as theoretically it is always cleaned and will only contain the stuff we specifically want to cache. Hopefully this speeds up builds and doesn't break
f3ee85f - show percentage of jetpack fuel in HUD
f8fee14 - Add a per dashboard option to allow changing whether shift clicking items prioritizes open windows or the frequency (defaults to prioritizing the frequency) (#8027). Also fixes an issue with resizing the QIO dashboard when there are pinned crafting windows
4942528 - Always provide access to the inventory slots etc for multiblocks regardless of if they are formed or not to fix potential errors in the initial sync when opening a GUI
53dcfaf - Allow holding shift when using the QIO dashboard resize controls to maximize/minimize the dashboard
dae4b77 - use action bar for configuration card
89f227f - Link to wiki instead of main page given Aidan's site seems to be down
8a37da3 - Minor cleanup to LaserParticle
e94416f - Use vanilla's own render type for making the upgrades appear faded rather than a custom one
69e3334 - Use vanilla constant for max name length and doing an initial validation check of if a username is even valid
02d7f52 - Add a client side config for controlling whether JEI moves irrelevant items from the crafting inventory to the player's inventory or the frequency first (#8027), defaults to moving to the frequency
688802e - Make use of FluidStack#copyWithAmount
085c72a - Don't clamp the energy value of item containers that are dependent on other attachments (#8024)
1ec074e - Fix missing clearing a couple configuration types
c866e93 - Add a side tab for making it easier for players to change the recipe viewer reject target
33ba335 - New Crowdin updates (#8026)
f74513b - Bump version to 10.5.7

by pupnewfster on Mar 11, 2024

3debe82 - Lead is cheap, let it muffle
87f63f9 - make side config gui show block names
7402f3f - give a slight forwards boost to regular jetpack mode, so the player can move faster than normal sprint speed
6867c97 - bump version

by pupnewfster on Mar 11, 2024

65a4dcb - Fix there being no model/state for when a redstone adapter is set to a frequency but the level is not met (#8023). And slightly improve performance/flow of qio component tick code
ab62541 - Fix not updating redstone with new emitting logic when the emitting state changes
d5ca221 - Do our best job to set the active state of qio components on placement
b2dff95 - Make particle addition for things like jetpack happen on client tick instead of on render tick
22532d6 - Expand supported transporter colors to all 18 of our colors. Note: This will cause existing colored transporters and filters to change colors to the new indexing (though they should still line up)
874818f - Persist current connections and acceptors for transmitters when saving, to try and have initial sync be more up to date
2973740 - Fix teleport button not working in portable teleporters due to the stack it is being cached on client side getting overwritten
7cf83a6 - Allow holding shift while using jetpack in vector mode to make it behave as normal mode. (Makes pillaring easier/possible while in vector mode)
b6f4f38 - Disable hover mode when in creative flight
d07490b - Fix double right-clicking bins not inserting into empty locked bins
4e78213 - Fix fluid not being visible in tanks when there is not much stored
55ce0a4 - Fix balloons not being the proper distance from entity's that have had their size modified
aec153d - Slightly adjust clear all sides to also support clearing for different types, and to support incrementing on substance's sides at once
31e567c - Use polonium and plutonium pellet tags in places that were accidentally referencing the direct item
aa5641d - Add support for pinning GUI Windows to have them automatically open when reopening the GUI (
9211ac5 - Qio recipe adjustments (#8021)
cd8a383 - Only accept "cheap" ingot variants for the muffling upgrade
d359279 - New Crowdin updates (#8022)
2a25aa4 - Bump version to 10.5.5

57ee884 - wrench items direct to inventory, only dropping when full
50e1964 - adjust muffling upgrades to only need 1, and allow refund of extras
83f223f - make the muffling upgrade cheaper - just slap some wool in there!
c6682b8 - bump version to 10.5.4

e13923b - Replace some of our recipes that accept cobblestone with accepting cobblestone or items in vanilla's stone crafting materials tag
92cf26f - remove energy usage from configurator
3db4ec0 - simplify the configurator's recipe
11715dc - Add crusher recipe for turning obsidian to dust in preparation of removing the enricher recipe for it. And add a crusher recipe to convert blaze rods into dust and bones into bone meal
e250954 - Switch bin left click vs shift left click behavior to be in line with mods like storage drawers and functional storage
1402b10 - Include coloration in colored block's name component
d727b2e - Include personal storage inventory in emc processor's calculation of emc an item is worth
dc0d42d - Drop upgrades and modules when the item entity containing them is destroyed, and expose an API method so that addons can have their custom module container items drop installed modules on destruction
a1df051 - Add looking at support for viewing what is inside a placed cardboard box
0fdfe04 - Fix filters not remembering enabled status on block placement
379f88b - Allow double right-clicking to insert into bins even when done with an empty hand
2ed429e - Move transmitters over to using our block attribute system (hopefully improves #8018)
5c125a6 - Fix the QE's energy tab not updating while in the GUI
5df5d31 - Further adjust configurator recipe
ae784e7 - Fix personal chests and barrels losing their inventory when broken
00748b5 - Add a View Vector based Jetpack mode, fix scaling issue when accelerating an elytra, and allow installing multiple jetpack modules and increasing the thrust of the MekaSuit's jetpack (#7475)
ed78560 - Bump min Neo version to 20.4.196 to ensure that clients can properly understand all the data we send them when on a server
20e2e65 - Sync extra stack data to make sure the hotbar and portable teleporter energy update properly (#8020)
39882fc - Clear heat data when clearing configuration data of machines
bf26e1d - Try delaying tracking transmitters until first tick on servers to see if that fixes issues where the data isn't synced to the client. Hopefully this doesn't break anything
4bbb444 - New Crowdin updates (#8019)
f8881ec - Bump version to 10.5.3

59f9b2d - Fire teleport events in other places we teleport entities (
5f6deb9 - Improve performance of updating entity radiation (especially when there is no radiation sources in the world)
c17cf16 - Cleanup flame tick logic and some places where we get the current server
5e03d45 - Fix disconnect on server when trying to send certain translations to the client. For example dictionary output
cb15244 - Hide the cape while wearing a jetpack or scuba tank as it clips a lot
eefbe03 - Fix checking of radiation when radius is a single chunk
55a93cf - Fix tasty paste advancement triggering with an empty canteen
79e8d6e - Fix digital miner not having the correct maxY set on initial placement
8deff87 - Fix auto ejecting from the digital miner directly into transporters not working
ba59ae2 - Fix accidentally breaking component rendering a couple commits ago
cfd5410 - Fix Quantum Entangloporter auto eject being broken
b8eddc1 - Don't allow unpacking blocks where they cannot survive. For example unpacking a torch on a chest
eef073e - New Crowdin updates (#8013)
8e0aaea - Bump version to 10.5.2

401f215 - Manually specify loader and game version for modrinth as it isn't good at detecting it
de3a1de - Fix gauge droppers not exposing capabilities
1ec7c2d - Cache NG outputs in publish workflow, and remove no longer necessary custom clean targets
d3ea197 - Prep for upcoming extra method in IGenderArmor
9945aaf - Improve rotation speed of the wind generator item
c54b948 - Fix robit's repair screen rendering of the text box and error
269a597 - Fix how we set initial focus so that the objects can be properly unfocused (#8006), and switch to using mojang's system for handling which element is currently focused
b02dd97 - Allow JEI components to handle key presses and clicks (even though none of ours make use of that)
1a40a85 - Simplify JEI mouse click implementation
63a8bb5 - Use mojang's getRight and getBottom helpers in places
cc6445d - Bump deps and bump min Neo version to 20.4.184 (#7954)
becf60a - Make use of getExistingData for attachments
c9e6829 - Add support for localizing mod description and display name in mod list
5c37f92 - Do our best effort to not allow placing fluidlogged blocks with fluid in dimensions the fluid can't be placed (#8007)
53eb881 - Fix redstone control type not adjusting what the activation mode accepts on fission logic adapters. Removed disabled mode from being supported by the adapter, as the corresponding is to just not set it to activation mode
f385fc3 - Support persisting logic adapter settings and copying them with a configuration card
812e145 - Fix not properly tracking lazily added resolvers for invalidation
c8412f5 - Add support for muffling upgrades to Resistive Heaters (
1af0eb9 - List what mob type a spawner is for and what a decorated pot is decorated with when viewing cardboard box tooltips (
246efdb - Fix spelling of Whooshes (, and commit missed files from previous commit
2a15e50 - Allow configuring MekaSuit UI Jitter via helmet options (, and allow adjusting it and opacity via arrow keys
fe1c679 - Add support for inverting the QIO Redstone Adapter's output signal (
47aeca7 - Force reading to recognize that our lang file is UTF-8 by making the first value be a UTF-8 character
e9ea15f - Adjust how qio trigger lang entry is combined with comparator lang entry
677d5af - Fix positive min build heights (
ea2154f - Write Jekyll computer data with support for UTF-8 encoding
be6dd6d - Fix Gravitational Modulating Unit not persisting flight when disconnecting and reconnecting (#7985)
a3e0e1d - Sync the offhand item in item containers in case some of the state is dependent on the item (#7923)
0ef8269 - Ensure max stack size is respected when a transporter with items in it is destroyed (#7982)
a6edd88 - Don't bother saving the last color to items when breaking a QIO components as it is just used for seeing if the BE should sync to client
37b85b0 - Merge colored name handling fully into ItemBlockMekanism rather than having a second variant just for IColoredBlock
65ba14c - Allow blocks to stack when they have matching data, and add a single item recipe to clear any configuration data (side configs, sorting, etc. It does not clear things like items or security)
69787db - Fix non-creative energy cubes rendering incorrectly in hand after placing in creative
d603edc - Make it so that energy tablets can stack (
855554a - Increase speed of the modification station, allow installing and removing up to a stack of modules at a time (
b525020 - New Crowdin updates (#8005)
5392c69 - Bump version to 10.5.1

by pupnewfster on Feb 21, 2024

f6a6ba9 - fix: prevent client crash with radiationParticleCount set to 0
1ac9561 - make a local var for random source
6bd7123 - adjust funding yaml
4b2537b - Fix stairs and slabs recipes in mekanism:sawing (#7936)
b029d0f - add warning tooltip to turbine dump button
12892f6 - Refactor salt disk feature to call vanilla placement method (#7968)
152f8de - New Crowdin updates (#7927)
c65a64b - Bump version to 10.4.6

by pupnewfster on Nov 14, 2023

e01e5df - remove the broken gui cache
f04adf7 - fix wrong itemstack constructor in computer helper
0be5c15 - remove unused record class
b7f1829 - increase mod version
8224c0b - New Crowdin updates (#7922)

 [ci skip]
e145b90 - Extend Paxels from AxeItem to allow Axe enchantments (#7903)
22123d9 - tweak some paxel code
a03e410 - projectE deprecation
296c1de - [no-cl] make gradle output the CF file urls after upload

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Project ID