This is Stupid Meme Mod Extreme version that makes terrain generation extreme in added dimensions. It makes hills huge and holes very deep. Go to Images for more details. Note that it's an older version of the mod (even older than 1.0.0) and it will miss some features from newer versions. It's the last version that ran on 1.16.5 before changing to 1.18. In old version of Mcreator that was using 1.16.5 making extreme terrain was easier. Since mod versions are now enforced to be 1.19+ i can't replicate it anymore in newer versions of mod because editor doesn't have these options anymore. That also means i can't update this version in any way.
Important: Biome generation can be broken in added dimensions sometimes making reaching goal of the mod impossible.
Needed to change version to 1.19.4 because Mcreator enforces it now.
Added features list:
- "Fatass" mob that is just fat
- "Fatass" biome that just consists of lot of fat
- China block that is china map png slapped on a block
- Chinase citizen that spawns in China biome
- Chinase tank that also spawns in China biome and attacks Chinase citizens
- Weather ballon that spawns across enite Cursed dimension and attacks player
- China biome that is made out of China block is red has Chinase tanks, Citizens and has music playing all time when player is in it
- Freddy fazbear mob that is neutral
- Freddy block that is block with png of Freddy fazbear slapped on it
- Freddy biome that is made out of Freddy block
- Spongebob mob that spawns in Cursed biome, Cursed mountains, CAPS BIOME, is passive, upon killing spawns Giga Chad Spongebob
- Giga Chad Spongebob mob that spawns only after Spongebob mob gets killed, is agressive has a lot of hp, damage and knockback
- Ketchup ore block that spawns randomly between y level 23 and 26 everywhere in Cursed dimension
- Ketchup item that is smelted from Ketchup ore
- Big ketchup block that is made out of 9 Ketchups, is used to upgrade Sausage gear in smiting table (like netherite)
- Ketchup armor made by upgrading Sausage armor with Big ketchup in smitting table
- Ketchup tools also made by upgrading Sausage armor with Big ketchup in smitting table
Hope you will enjoy it.
Important biome generation fixes, other types of fixes, many new mobs and few new biomes!
1.0.2 Update New Features:
Cursed Dimnesion:
-Suspiciously Normal Plains
Idiot Dimension:
-Cursed block, new Cursed dimnesion portal build material
-Flying snow
-Speed Boat
-Mcdonalds Worker
-Kfc Worker
-Cancelation Cock
-Suspiciously Normal Sheep
-Suspiciously Normal Cow
-Living Tree
-Living Door
-Clash Royale King
-Fire In The Hole
-Fried Chicken From Kentucky
1.0.3 is here!
Again many new mobs and few new biomes...!
1.0.3 Update New Features: Biomes:
Cursed Dimnesion:
-America Biome
-PvZ Biome
-Cursed Trampoline Biome
Idiot Dimension:
-Strong Trampoline Biome
-Trampoline Biome
-America Block
-Tower Block
-Pvz Grass
-Pvz Dirt
-Trampoline Block
-Strong Trampoline Block
-Cursed Trampoline Block
-Tree Block
-America Tank
-American Citizen
-Red Angry Bird
-Sad Hamster
-Stinky Dog
-Pea Shooter
-Nii Shooter
-Balls in yo jaws
-Stupid Airport
-Stupid New Tower
-Upside down Village
-Meme Blocks
-Meme Mobs
-Meme tools and armor
-Meme Food
Other than that some small changes and remodels.