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Version >= 1.0.3 requires MikuLib.

This is a forge mod by mcst12345. It adds a lot of Miku music in Minecraft. To install this mod,you need to Download the MusicPack and unpack it to your .minecraft folder. MusicPack Download (Passwd:x8hy)

WARNING: This mod is unstable and it may crash your game.

NOTE: Please install MixinBootStrap

NOTE: JEI is recommended.

This mod adds a new ore named miku_ore and it can be found in the overworld. Miku_ore will drop 20-25 scallions. You can create a very strong weapon with a lot of scallions.

This mod also adds some "music_item" , you can play music by hold them and right click. It cannot be created
in survival mode yet.

NOTE:The musics do not belong to me, and are not my creation. They may be Copyrighted to Crypton Future Media or some VOCALOID Productors.

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