Changelog of recent updates:
- fixed prophecy gui
Changelog of recent updates:
- orbs of crafting was moved to library of exile mod so it's not needed anymore
- the harvest now a separate required dependency (I tried to make it an optional dependency but was a bit too difficult, I might try to jarjar it again later)
- adventure maps are now a separate required dependency called: dungeon realm
- old dimension will stay as an empty dimension so future saves aren't borked by its removal
- return to old map item system meaning: maps drop again, no more upgrading, but i made map boss always drop 1 map
- uber maps changed slightly, now maps can become uber maps with an orb item, crafted with 4 uber frags, but the map must be mythic for the orb to be used
- map mobs now drop vanilla loot again, this was removed due to item clutter, but will clash with the dungeon mod features now possibly
- builder note: map boss arenas now need the 'map_teleporter' block
- builder note2: harvest maps now use harvest_spawner blocks placed around the map instead of the league processor;32 something block
- the map dimension no longer puts you in adventure mode, now uses events to make sure you can't place/break etc, report any bugs please!
- new feature, command blocks should no longer show in maps
- other dimension mod addons for dungeon realm now connect the maps, um. That means if you enter a harvest/obelisk etc through a map, it counts as your map too
- changed dungeon datapack json, now require all types of rooms and no more fallback rooms
- changed rarity json, map finish rarity is now a separate datapack under library mod
- removed spawned mobs, now use mob lists from library mod
- datapack checker now works for any of library's datapacks, not just mns
- ailment procs now show damage chat messages when applied
- buffed gathering profession dropchances at early levels by reducing the effect of exp to loot multiplier by half Now all gathers count as if they have an extra 50 experience. So if say you're mining a block that gives 10 exp, you'd before have 0.1x loot multi, now you'd have 0.6x loot multi. For a block that gives 200 exp, loot multi was 2x before, now it's 2.5x
- as maps are now drops again, added a currency that allows you to upgrade map rarity
- removed map lives system, possibly temporary
New Feature: Relics!
- the map device can now be equipped with relics
- relics boost your maps with stats like mob pack size, chance to contain additional harvest etc
- relics currently drop once per map boss and 3 per uber boss Enjoy customizing your maps and playing content you like or want to focus on!
Changelog of recent updates:
- fixed a crafting output exploit
- any curio should now work and apply stats
Changelog of recent updates:
- fix quality not showing on gear
- mobs are now immune to damage for 2 ticks after spawning
Changelog of recent updates:
- fix extracted soul tooltip
- obelisks should now spawn as normal mechanics in map, instead of from chests (this last part needs editing the obelisk config to set chance to 0 in maps)
- fix prophecy gen error
- fix harvest maps
Changelog of recent updates:
- fix melee atks always triggering loot penalty 0
Changelog of recent updates:
- added secondary lvl range to dimension datapacks, only works with player scaling on
Changelog of recent updates:
- fix nearest block spell action not working bellow Y 0
Changelog of recent updates:
- try fix runewords sometimes failing to craft
- added physical damage taken as elemental stat (bit experimental but shouldTM work)
Changelog of recent updates:
- added config for adv mode roleplayers (it stops force setting adv > survival mode outside of maps)
- should have removed prophecy unique reward, now the unique rarity reward can drop prophecy uniques too, but not only
- armor can now go in negatives
- reverted team PR to check if it was the cause of team bugs
Changelog of recent updates:
- ailment now cant proc if damage is 0
- ailment base dmg is now lowered if the attack was converted, say phys to fire 50%, bleed will be 50% weaker
- added default feature config values
- fix crash
Changelog of recent updates:
- fix is low code, again
- made all curio slots work for gear stats
- changed heal strenght stat to work on ms or hp heals but heal > ms heal conversion now happens first
- show decimals now to any number under 10 in stats, and its a client config now
- auto items now happen on craft too
- added 2 new harvest maps
- improved effect overlay, text is now visibler
- removed name from dungeon datapacks, they will error but work fine
- changed how translation modids work, they now use the id of the mod that created the datapack type
Changelog of recent updates:
- tweaked is target low code
- fix newbie res config
- try fix talent tree visual lines bug
Changelog of recent updates:
- extracted gear souls can no longer be used to generate random items
- should fix the no self damage stat effects stat
Changelog of recent updates:
- added max possible favor config
- fixed infusion fails not incrementing uses
- added names to classes gui
- added check_combined_hp_and_ms to is_target_low condition
- added no_attacker_stats_on_selfdmg stat, added to base stats, and the stat conditions and effects required for it
Changelog of recent updates:
- special drops like uber frags and watchers eyes are no longer affected by item caps and generate separately
- should fix compat mode dmg override
- spider summons now have size of cave spiders
Changelog of recent updates:
- try fix visual talent connection bug
- new currency, orb of relief
- fix effects not applying.. damn one of a kind code deleted them all
Changelog of recent updates:
- fix soul modifiers
- fixed default invalid dmg conversion being 10 instead of 0%
Changelog of recent updates:
- big refactor to a lot of code, specifically currencies, now called crafting orbs. Orbs of Crafting is now a separate dependency mod and will be used in my other mods, hopefully coming soon
- fixed soul cleaner config
- set scale to nearest player true by default
- fixed leech cap stat scaling: normal > none
- maybe fix compat config resetting
- hp bars now show magic shield
- should check some 'is teamed' methods to work even when far away, so friendly traps dont turn on you as soon as the friend teleports away
- if youre lacking resists in map you'll now take 10% of your hp as damage per second and you wont regenerate any resource
- spectators now dont count as nearest players
- messed with recipe gen code, report if any recipes are missing please
- one of a kind should now work for effects
- tp to caster spell action added
Please report any weird things or bugs!
Changelog of recent updates:
- learning method 3x > 2x xp
- fixed ailment resistance, was reducing instead of increasing damage when in minus
- block chance now requires shield
- attempt fix auto items
- tweaked the dmg code