Minecraft Drop Counter


This is a mod written for the "Cactus Clicker" mode on the Minecraft Server playlegend.net. It counts and displays the drops that you receive in Aincraft.

Client ManagementUtility

Created2 months ago
Updateda month ago

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Version 1.0.1

Quick Intro

This version focuses on the current problem of the screen filling up quickly because the counter was allowed to count a theoretically infinite amount of items. The applied changes fix this in an elegant, yet not perfect way.

Replace Statues and Cards

If a card/statue drops which is not currently in your displayed counters, it will replace the old/statue card.

Cap Max Drops at a Time to 7

The maximum number of drops that are counted and displayed at the same time is now capped to 7. That prevents the screen from filling up with different drops of the same rarity. If an 8th drop occurs, the 7 old ones will be cleared first.

No Blueprint Counter

Blueprints will not be displayed in the counter anymore. They just filled the screen and you get every Blueprint just once anyways.


At the moment, this mod is not able to detect your "luck" level for mining and wood chopping. It will only count the number of broken logs/ores and not the amount that you actually got dropped.

Further Plans

I want to implement a few more things before I would call this mod a release version. For example:

  1. I want the drops to be displayed in the right order according to their rarity.
  2. I want to replace drops depending on their rarity instead of clearing everything after the 7th drop (similar to the cards and statues).
  3. I want to add a custom Menu, to change settings like the maximal number of displayed drops at a time

Version 1.0.0


This is a mod written for the "Cactus Clicker" mode on the Minecraft Server playlegend.net. It counts the drops that you receive in Aincraft. Every drop received while this mod is active, is displayed on the top left corner of the screen.


  • The name of the drop and the number will be listed as shown in the following example

    • Drop1: 1
    • Drop2: 1
  • The displayed drops have the color of their rarity

  • You can reset the counter in two ways

    • Restart your minecraft launcher
    • Use the "/resetcounter" command (until now it only works in singleplayer)

How to install

  1. To use this mod you first need to create a fabric profile for Minecraft

    • download the fabric installer here
    • find the file in the download directory of your file explorer and open/start it
    • Choose the Minecraft Version 1.20.1 and install it
  2. Next you install the fabric API for Minecraft 1.20.1 here

  3. Install all attached .jar files

  4. Move the installed files to your Minecraft mods folder by following the next steps

    • Open the download directory of your file explorer again
    • Copy (Str + C) or Cut (Str + X) the installed files
    • Go to the appdata directory on your computer (Windows + R and type in there "%appdata%")
    • Open the .minecraft folder
    • Search for the directory called "mods" - there is no? Create one called "mods" (except quotation marks)
    • Paste the files in the "mods" directory
  5. Start your modded Minecraft

    • Open your Minecraft launcher
    • Go to the Java edition window
    • At the bottom left is the current version displayed; that's the one you start by pressing the start button
    • Click at the version, search for the "fabric loader 1.20.1" and select it
    • Now press Play and have fun


I catogrized this as a beta, because i am not done with this mod yet.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID