Minecraft: Embrace The Void

Minecraft: Embrace The Void


adds new bosses, mobs, items and more!

Client and server AdventureEquipmentGame Mechanics Mobs

Created7 days ago
Updated7 days ago

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The Void has taken over your Minecraft world, a mysterious entity contacts you, telling you to "hunt the creatures that lurk" are you up to the task?

Void Entities

  • Void Watcher - runs away from you, until you hit it
  • Void Brute - attacks on sight, strong and tanky
  • Void Tyrant - shoots explosives at you, very tanky and strong
  • Phantom - appears invisible until you hit it, look out for random particles!
  • Void Worm - small and fast, can be tricky to deal with.


  • Glacerite - an Ice-like Ore that can be found Underground, makes Ice themed gear
  • Pyroclast - a Fire-like ore that can be found Underground and in The Nether, makes Fire themed gear

Other Mobs

  • Mimics - they will take the form of a chest and wait for someone to open them, also triggered bu walking on them, shooting them, and attacking them, Ender Mimics are stronger, being immune to projectiles and also having the ability to Teleport


  • Amethyst Creature - a creature born from amethyst, wields an Amethyst Spear, strong and tanky
  • Scorched Creature - a creature born of Fire and Ash, wields the Scorching Edge, summons blazes and shoots fire
  • Void. - the one behind the Messages, can summon Void Brutes, shoot Arrows (only in the beta), wields a Diamond Sword.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID