MinecraftTop4ik's End


This mod updates End by adding new stuff

Client and server

Createda month ago
Updateda month ago

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This mod updates End by adding items, blocks, plants and other stuff.

Blocks: The Poisonous End Flower - will put a poisoning effect on you when you touch it. End Bush - End variation of dead bush. End Wood and Log - wood that can be extracted from end trees, and you can craft End Planks. End Sand - The main ground block in the End Desert biome. End Gravel - The End variation of gravel. End Grass - The grass in the some End Biomes. End Water - The End variation of Water

Items: End Cake - the food. You need a chorus fruits and 3 cooked Chorus. Enderite - ore that can be crafted into an ingot. Enderite Armor - The armor can crafted using Enderite Ingots. Enderite Tools - can be crafted using sticks and enderite ingots. End Water bucket - Bucket of the End Water.

Biomes: End Desert - the biome is variation of the overworld desert. Have too many End Sand End Forest - The End variation of the forest. Have a end trees, end mushrooms, end grass and etc. End Jungle - The End variation of the Jungle. Have end vines and more stuff

Mobs: End Villager - the Villager of End Enderlay - The End Variation of Allay

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID