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Mob Mondays 4/1/24

April Fool's Update

New Mob: Birch Wood Golem.

Birch Golem: A golem that can be spawned by placing two birch wood blocks (not the birch logs, the full birch wood blocks) and a pumpkin on top. They just walk around and plant birch saplings in your world. They will fight if you provoke them.

First Mob Monday of 2024!

New Mob

Red Creeper: A Creeper variant that will spawn in Deserts and Badlands. It acts just like a regular creeper, but will set blocks on fire while it walks. When it explodes it has a chance to set the player on fire for a few seconds as well.

*This idea came to me in a weird lucid dream. I know it a basic idea, but I felt the need to achieve the Deja Vu.

Mob Monday 12/25/23

Merry Christmas!

New Mob Present Golem

  • Created by placing two single chests on top of each other with a pumpkin on top.
  • When defeated it has a chance to drop gifts or summon a coal golem

Coal Golem

  • Small golem that will attack you. It drops coal when defeated with a slim chance of dropping a diamond.

Mob Monday 2023 Present Golem

  • Easter Egg version of the Present Golem
  • It can summon a select handful of mobs I made during 2023 such as the bald eagle, smurf cat, plague doctors, and more!

Mob Monday (10/30/23)

Halloween Update!

For Halloween, I made two new mobs for Minecraft.

First is the ghost. It has a chance to spawn whenever any mob dies. They are neutral, but coming into contact with them will give you a haunted effect. This will basically prevent you from moving while under the effect. Ghosts are immune to all forms of damage besides magic like potions.

The other mob is the Plague Doctor illager. Like a witch, it throws potions. It can turn villagers into zombie villagers. If it hits the player. You get an infection effect. This effect sets you on fire if you are in the daylight like any undead mob would. Defeating the Plague Doctor will give you its staff and mask. The staff allows you to cast infection effects on other entities.

New Items!

Haunted Potion/Effect: Prevents an entity from moving/or at least severely slows them down. Also plays ghost sounds. *Potion is made with Phantom Membrane

Infection Potion/Effect: Sets entity on fire if they are in the daylight. Can also give poison and nausea side effects *Potion made with zombie heads

Purify Potion/Effect: Like milk, it will remove effects. But it will remove negative effects including the new infection and haunted effects. While under the effect it should prevent you from getting new bad debuffs. *Potion made with cheese

Plague Doctor Staff: Shoots a magic orb that casts infection when it hits a mob.

Plague Doctor Mask: Just a simple mask from the Plague Doctor.

*This update isn't as polished as I would've hoped. I had a lot of other things going on this week, so my time was limited to get this out by Halloween. I do plan on polishing some of these features in the near future.

Mob Mondays 10/23/23

New Mob

Grizzly Bear

  • Likes salmon and honey combs.
  • neutral mob until provoked
  • drops bear skin that can be crafted into a bear skin helmet
  • easter egg: becomes Rizzly Bear

Bonus Mob!

Freddy Fazbear

  • If you feed a grizzly bear a pizza. It will transform into a Freddy Fazbear miniboss.
  • Freddy can add darkness, weakness, and mining fatigue when he hits you.
  • He drops 2 pizzas, a bear skin helmet, purple dye, and a totem when defeated

New Items

Cheese: made by cooking milk in a smoker. When you eat cheese it will clear all effects like regular milk. So it is basically a quicker-to-consume milk.

Pepperoni: made with a cooked Porkchop, cooked steak, and blaze powder for spice. Not that helpful on its own, but helpful for crafting the last item.

Pizza: made with bread, pepperoni, and cheese. Pizza will give regeneration and strength. With a chance for speed. It is basically meant to counter the debuffs from Freddy Fazbear.

Mob Mondays 10/16/23

The first new horror mob of the mod for Spooky Season!


  • Appears like Minecraft Steve that can be found in a handful of biomes at night or in caves.
  • When hit it transforms into its monster form which appears like a deformed Steve on all 4s and with an elongated face. (loosely inspired by the horror version of sheep from that one bedrock mod)
  • While in monster form it can chase the player really fast and cause darkness/blindness/nausea on the player. Making it harder to fight back.
  • It also plays cave sounds

Bonus Mob Opium Bird aka luhcalmfit (based on a meme)

  • An easter egg version of penguins that spawns when you use an easter egg item on a penguin
  • They give speed and haste when near the player. And can be tamed
  • They also play their meme song all the time.

Items Skin armor: can be obtained when defeating a skinwalker. Literally, armor made of "skin".

Crab Claw updated to be multitool instead of just a weapon.

Mob Monday 10/9/23

Back again with a new update. This week I added the 3 mobs from the mob vote: Crab, Armadillo, and Penguin.


  • Found in Swamps and Mangrove Swamps
  • Drops a Claw when it dies
  • Claw can be used as a melee weapon or cooked into food


  • Found in Savannah Biome
  • Drops Scale when it dies or can be sheared
  • Craft Scales into Dog Armor

Armored Wolf

  • Technically a separate mob from the Vanilla Wolf. When you hit a vanilla wolf with Dog Armor item in your hand. It will transform into an Armored Wolf.
  • Same stats as a vanilla wolf, but twice as much health


  • Found in Stony Shore Biomes
  • Can be tamed and will follow you if you have Cod.
  • When near them, you will gain Dolphin's Grace and maybe Conduit Power too.

Mob Mondays 9/25/23

Today's Mob Monday includes 3 new mobs

Bald Eagle

  • Spawns in mountain/taiga biomes
  • Flying mob that can be tamed
  • Attacks salmon and oil slimes
  • Using an easter egg on the bald eagle will play a very American sound byte.

Oil Slimes

  • A slime made of oil. When killed they can spawn a new fluid I added called "oil".
  • Oil can be used to smelt/cook things in furnaces much like a lava bucket. But will last twice as long as a lava bucket.

Easter Bunny

  • Unrelated to the last two mobs. But I added a rare rabbit that can drop "Easter Eggs". These easter eggs can be used to unlock Easter Egg variants of mobs.

New Items

Oil Slime Ball

  • Can be used as a fuel source


  • Liquid like water or lava, but can be used as a good fuel source

Easter Egg

  • Can be used to unlock easter egg variants of mobs or easter egg abilities of mobs. In previous updates a lot of mobs used a diamond to unlock special effects like the Heisenberg Cow, Capybara playing "ok I pull up", Warped Meowshroom becoming Smurf Cat. Now it will be the easter egg item.

Smaller Changes

  • Rat AI update. They break crops now.
  • Spawn rate changes for old mobs.

Mob Mondays - 9/18/23

This week's mob: Monkeys


  • Spawns in Jungles.
  • They can be tamed with different fruit like apples, berries, melon, and a new fruit: Banana.
  • Different fruits will have different effects on the monkeys when they eat them. For Example: golden apples will give them absorption and regeneration. Glow berries will make them glow. Chorus Fruit will make them teleport.
  • Monkeys will attack wolves on sight. This is a reference to a news story where monkeys and dogs were at war in a village.

Banana is a new fruit item. Monkeys drop them after dying. But they can also be obtained by trading a monkey an apple for a banana. Bananas give you a banana peel when eaten. The peels can be placed and will be slippery to walk on.

Ender Monkey

  • A rare monkey variant that can be created when a monkey eats a chorus fruit.
  • They can teleport when hurt. And will attack other monkeys.

**Bonus I added the Smurf Cat from the meme.

Smurf Cat

  • Can be tamed with mushrooms. They don't spawn naturally but can be created as an easter egg when you right-click a diamond on a warped meowshroom.

Warped Meowshroom

  • The natural spawning variant of Smurf Cat. Originally meant to spawn in Warped Forest. But for whatever reason when I try making new mobs to spawn in the Nether or End. They end up not spawning. So I made a new nether biome where Warped Meowshrooms can be found. The Warped Plains.

Warped Plains (New Nether Biome)

  • Similar to the Warped Forest, but without the trees.
  • Smurf Cat houses, farms, and fortresses can spawn naturally here.
  • Bastions and Nether Fortresses spawn here too.
  • Wither Mooblooms and Endermen spawn as well.

Mob Monday 9/11/23

The new mob for this week is the Capybara.


  • Spawns in Jungles or Swamps. Players can ride them. They have decent speed on both land and water.
  • They do not drop anything when killed. If you do, you just get a bad luck effect like with the holy cow.

Other additions... I also added raw duck and cooked duck. I made the cooked duck look like Peking Duck. These items are new additions to the ducks that I added last week.

Another Monday another mob Monday...

This time I added 4 mobs.


  • Basically, it is the same as chickens but they can be found in more watery biomes. I was going to give them more features but didn't have enough time. Maybe in the future...

Rubber Ducks

  • Rarer than regular ducks and they drop rubber. This can be crafted into rubber blocks. Rubber blocks don't do much but allow the player to jump high off of them.


  • These guys also don't do a whole lot so far. But they are afraid of cats just like creepers. I guess they're kind of like bats where they are just kind of there.


  • This update is also my first time going into 1.20. So I added Moolips as an exclusive moobloom variant that spawns in Cherry Grove biomes.

*This update was essentially made to be a reference to the "Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And the rats made me crazy!" meme. Hence the lack of useful features I guess lol.

First real Monday update.


Testificate Man - A Batman-inspired Villager Guardian who fights hostile mobs. Inspired by Element Animation's Testificate Man. I couldn't figure out how to spawn them in villages. So I made them able to spawn in biomes that villages can spawn in like plains, deserts, taiga, etc. Abilities: Has a chance to teleport randomly when damaged and leave behind some smoke particles. Has a chance to go invisible when damaged. Has a chance to spawn bats. Has a chance to do multiple abilities. Drops: Totem of Testificate Man Totem makes the player invisible while equipped. When right-clicked it will teleport the player in a random direction. Basically a multi-use chorus fruit

The Chillager My version of the Iceologer from the 2020 mob vote. It throws ice blocks that when they hit the player will summon falling ice blocks that do a bit of damage and apply a freeze effect to the player for a bit. They spawn in mountain or ice biomes. Drops: Totem of Chill Totem grants player slow fall and jump boost while in held by the player. This is helpful for climbing tall mountains.

The Griefer A joker inspired illager. He throws tnt at the player that explode immediately if they hit the player. Upon death he will explode and summon a creeper. Drops: Totem of Grief Totem gives the player strong resistance while in the player's main hand. It can be right-clicked to create a small explosion near the player. This can be used to damage nearby mobs. And even to do rocket jumps. However, this ability will cost food points, xp, and even has a chance to fail.

The Gambler A two-face inspired illager. This illager has an appearance of half a villager and half an illager. It attacks by punching the player. It's ability is that it has a 50/50 chance to either give positive effects to the player or negative effects. Making it either an easier fight or a harder one. Drops: Totem of Chances Totem's ability is only used when right-clicked with. This will have a 50/50 chance to either insta heal the player or give a wither effect. It also has a 50/50 chance to vanish from the player's inventory.

Initial Release of Mod All New Mobs: Moobloom Blue Orchid Moobloom Lily of the Valley Moobloom Heisenberg Moobloom (Breaking Bad Easter egg for the Lily of the Valley Moobloom) Wither Rose Moobloom Chocolate Cow Strawberry Cow Soy Cow Wooly Cow Albino Cow Holy Cow Turkey Punching Bag Pinata

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