Note: From R20 onwards, the mod merge Modular Controller and Modular Assembly features, so if you have these mods installed, please remove them before using them!
If you need compatibility with older game saves, you can enable the modular-controller-compatible-mode
option in the config/modularmachinery.cfg
file, but please note that this feature will not be available for long.
- Mods merge
- ModularController
- ModularAssembly
- Increase of item horizontal count in JEI.
- (Experimental) R16 introduces the concept of asynchronous and asynchronizable interfaces. All inputs and outputs that implement asynchronizable interfaces will have higher performance, while making the controller logic asynchronously checked, thus significantly improving performance in the presence of a large number of mechanical controllers.
- Optimize structure check performance.
- Add chunk loading check for structure checking, when there are blocks in the structure that are not loaded, the controller will pause working to avoid recipe loss.
- CraftTweaker API Update:
- Fix some NPE issues caused by the CraftTweaker API.
- RecipePreTickEvent can now also destruct recipes.
- AdvancedItemModifier and AdvancedItemNBTChecker can now get controller information from the function.
- Fix Recipe no longer modifies craftingStatus when the event modies craftingStatus.
- Fix the content rendering position of the controller GUI.
- Fix an issue that causes the written NBT to be null when the zs is wrong.
- Fix item is NOT consumed.
- Add a semi-permanent RecipeModifier to the Catalyst input.
- Add a non-empty check to the TaskExecutor.
- Custom controller information is no longer automatically formatted.
- CraftTweaker API additions:
- (Experimental) Add CraftTweaker-based event system.
- MachineEvents
- MachineStructureFormedEvent
- MachineTickEvent
- RecipeEvents
- RecipeCheckEvent
- RecipeStartEvent
- RecipePreTickEvent
- RecipeTickEvent
- RecipeFinishEvent
- MachineEvents
- AdvancedItemModifier and AdvancedNBTChecker
- RecipeModifierBuilder
- Recipe JEI Tooltip
- (Experimental) Add CraftTweaker-based event system.
- (Experimental) Redrawn JEI recipe icons and layout to be more compact and fit more elements.
- Add RF energy type display.
- Add new recipe type: Catalyst; FluidPerTickInput.
- Fix EnergyOutputHatch a missing code.
- TaskExecutor Improvements.
- Apply delayed structure check on formed machines.
- More controller structure check configurations are provided for modpackers.
- EnergyInputHatch now also support connection to energy cores, and both energy input bins and EnergyOutputHatch support configuration checking mechanisms.
- Internal code changes: Package rename.
- Internal code change: Clean up old unfinished features and code.
- Fix DECREASE failure-action incorrect tick.
- Add CachedMachineRotationChecker, may be some performance improvements.