- Add Attachment GUI
- Add New Fire Mode - [fuse]
- Add HUD First Peson
- Add Crafting System For Weapons
- Add config sprint
- Add the ability to make explosive cartridges
- Add the ability to change the zoom of the sight in aiming
- Add New Backpack Gui
- Add Random animation of gun reloading (postReload, postReloadSecond)
- Add New Attachment: (Stock, Handguard, Railing, Laser)
- Add InstantShotTrail [from shining]
- Add Homing Projectile - (At the moment, the homing projectile does not have a full configuration in the weapon, this will be added in the next version)
- Add New ParticleExplosion
- Add Render Attachment Third Person
- Add Render flashModel Third Person
- Add Random animation of gun fire (fire, fireSecond, fireThird)
- Add Headshot Mobs [from shining]
- Add a list of default attachments [from shining]
- Add Enhanced type gun arm armor display
- Add Itemframe [from shining]
- Add New Gun: grenadelauncher [when using a grenade launcher - cartridges instantly change their model]
- Improved Flash + Animation Flash
- Config Handguard
"handguard": {
"disableButtonSight": false,
"disableButtonGrip": true,
"disableButtonBarrel": true,
"disableButtonLaser": false,
"disableButtonFlashlight": true,
"showButtonSight": false,
"showButtonGrip": false,
"showButtonBarrel": false,
"showButtonLaser": false,
"showButtonFlashlight": false
- Config Railing
"railing": {
"disableButtonSight": false,
"disableButtonGrip": false,
"disableButtonLaser": false,
"disableButtonFlashlight": false,
"showButtonSight": true,
"showButtonLaser": true,
"showButtonGrip": false,
"showButtonFlashlight": false
- Fire Smoke[WIP]
- Config ExplosionBullet:
"velocity": 6.0, - velocity parameter (specify outside the explosion Bullet)
"explosionBullet": {
"isExplosionBullets": true,
"explosionStrength": 5.0,
"gravityY": 0.1,
"flaming": false,
"damageWorld": true,
"isLeavesMark": true,
"isGravidy": true
- Add IngredientItem (You may need this if you want to make custom ingredients for crafting)
- Fix hitbox player [from shining]
- Fixed the spread of bullets [from shining]
- Fix Custom Inventory
- Fix AnimationController [from shining]
- Fixed a problem when using shaders you look at water but there is none
New Animation && Sound
- New Animation - drawEmpty, defaultEmpty, inspectEmpty, preUnloadEmpty, unloadEmpty, postUnloadEmpty, preReloadEmpty, reloadFirstEmpty, reloadSecondEmpty, fireEmpty, postFireEmpty, modeChangeEmpty,
- New sound weaponInspectEmpty, weaponInspect, weaponDraw, weaponDrawEmpty, weaponPreReloadEmpty, weaponReloadEmpty, weaponReloadSecondEmpty, weaponIdleEmpty