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Added two new entities called Assimilated Donkey and Carnivorae.

With that, we've finished with all the assimilated animals.

Assimilated Donkey - Assimilated version of the normal donkey.

Carnivorae - Doesn't move but deals a pretty good amount of damage. On top of that, he can summon miters and also give you poison and bleeding once biting you.

Stages now are kind of bugged but atleast they play their sounds and show when they change.

Now roamers only spawn from stage 1 and up only, so they can stop infecting everything. That meaning that only miters can spawn in stage 0.

The enderman can now teleport itself and it's nearby allies if close to you enough. ( VERY OP )

Ofcourse, these have gamerules as they can be very game changing!!

Added a new item called Assimilated Ender Pearl that only the Assimilated Enderman can drop. This item will teleport the player to it's spawnpoint if right-clicked.

Added a new item called Putrid Vine which for now, has no utility whatsoever and can't spawn naturally.

Enderman is no longer immune to suffocation.

Reduced enderman's spawning rate again.

Reduced the melee range of the creatures.

The necroptor model is now a bit smaller!

And that's all for now...


Added two new entities called Assimilated Evoker and Assimilated Vex.

Assimilated Evoker - Fearsome and agressive dark magician. Can summon assimilated vexes, fight melee, spawn evoker fangs near the player and also bring it's target closer to him, on top of that he's also immune to magic. He's very powerful,smart and cruel. He can also buff himself by destroying a totem of his, granting him health and strength. His style of fighting is very unique as he is both powerful and a flashy fighter! He is basically a miniboss at this point, that's why he is put in to the stage 2 of the mod. He also has a chance of dropping his totem of undying if he does not manage to destroy it for himself in time!

Assimilated Vex - Mutated version of the normal vex. Slower, weaker, but smarter and can be summoned by the assimilated evoker in large groups!

Changed the necroptor bomb texture and all custom spawn eggs!

The enderman is now immune to suffocating so he can stop dying in vain.

The mod now has stages When you first spawn, it will say in chat "Stage 0". The maximum stage is "Stage 3", even though there is no such thing as stage 3 mobs. In stage 0, only miters and roamers will spawn, but be careful because they can infect other mobs too! The sounds that the changing of the stages makes also get more scarier as the stages grow. The mod has a gamerule for setting the stage.

Changed the models of the necroptor,miter and assimilated sheep and cow. ( Controversial / Too big )

Reduced enderman's spawning rate.

Reduced miter's health from 12 to 8.

Reduced necroptor's health from 20 to 14.

Only Miters and the two Roamers can now spawn from the first second you have joined the server for the first time. Now you'll have to wait for a certain amount of time for the bigger mobs to spawn naturally

Stage 0 -> Stage 1 = 30 minutes.

Stage 1 -> Stage 2 = 1 hour.

Stage 2 -> Stage 3 = 2 hours.

The mutagen serum is now stronger than ever, it can cure animals!

And that's about it.... Tell me what do you think of this update!

Well it's about time :]

Improvements and New Features and Mobs

Corrosion now deals damage to any armor ( other mods are compatible too ).

All the mobs have increased attack range.

The necroptor and reductor can now climb.

The spider won't be attacked by any assimilated mobs anymore and the only way to make him transform would be to hurt him when he has mutagen sickness active.

Enderman can now teleport to you and also bring allies with him.

(Enderman will bring a lot of allies as reinforcements!)

The mod armor's now have special sounds when equipped.

Added the names of the first members of the discord server on the assimilated roamer and the developed roamer

Added a shaking animation for the enderman when it sets it's attack target.

The reductor can now make himself invisible for a short period of time.

The witch now makes a sound when buffing nearby allies.

The mobs now won't spawn in houses anymore (atleast I hope so).

Mobs now spawn in every dimension due to lag when despawning if in other dimensions.

The Assimilated Witch has reduced chance of buffing allies when they are hurt.

Fixed the reductor spawning itself.

The human stages 1,2,3 now have special living sound.

The mobs now only need to be hit in order to transform into its mutated version, they don't need to have less than 4 hearts anymore.

The mobs will now only spawn at night ( except the miter ).

The Assimilated fox, wolf, pig and the necroptor can now go through 1 block tall gaps.

The Parasitic creatures now have a 40% chance of inflicting mutagen sickness when attacking.That means that not everytime will the player or mob get infected.

The parasitic creatures, ( except the necroptor ) will not attack friendly mobs anymore so they can be mistaken for when a player is nearby. New effect: Bleeding - This effect will deal damage to its target. Only Human Stages 1,2,3 inflict this effect when attacking, the bigger the stage is, the longer the time you'll have this effect active. If u move during the effect, you will take even more damage.

The fire aspect enchantment on sword now deals extra damage to mutant creatures because they are weak to fire.

The mutagen sickness now has a 50% chance of duplicating itself when it first expires, that meaning the target will have mutagen sickness for even more time!

The enderman can now also teleport the human stage 1 to his location.

Added a new cool weapon called flamethrower that can ignite fire everywhere,has a chance of setting entities on fire if they are hit by it!

Now the player has a chance of spreading the infection. He can spread it if he has mutagen sickness active and he attacks other entities barehanded.

The necroptor bomb now actually acts like one.

Mobs Added:

Added a new helicopter mob that is really what the name implies. He can summon hazmat guards and new mobs called Hazmat Leader,Hazmat Flamethrower,Hazmat Medics.

Hazmat Leader - Stronger version of the hazmat guard, can also perform leaps at it's target.

Hazmat Flamethrower - Has a flamethrower and just burns everything.

Hazmat Medic - Weak in melee combat but he can heal allies.

Assimilated Wolf - Assimilated version of the normal wolf.

Assimilated Fox - Assimilated version of the normal fox, also has a chance of getting a big speed boost when it sees it's target.

Assimilated Bear - This ferocious cold creature will freeze you once he attacks and also give you slowness.


    • Added 6 new entities:

Assimilated Cow - Assimilated version of the normal friendly cow, turned by necroptor into this monstrosity...

Assimilated Enderman - Assimilated version of the enderman, has special abilities, those being that he can teleport itself to a nearby location, teleport allies as reinforcements to you if in a nearby location. Also he can heal itself and heal his nearby allies if he manages to kill the player and eat his heart ( with animation and sound ). His nearby allies can be healed even if they have almost max health...Also he's very fast so be careful with him...He also has a special attack which can pass shield protection and also inflicts slowness...

Assimilated Witch - Assimilated version of the normal witch, can buff itself and nearby allies if attacked with regeneration and speed...

Reductor - Evolved version of the necroptor, the necroptor can be turned into this if 3 minutes pass by (gamerule) . Also he has a bigger chance of inflicting slowness than the necroptor...

Scientist - This creature is scared of the player and of other mobs as well so that's why he'll make itself transparent everytime...

Hazmat Guard - This creature equips a sword and shield and will attack every mutant mob. His sword hits hard and also inflict weakness, although he is neutral to the player, he will attack him if he did so first...

  1. Major change of the textures and sounds due to an outbreak...

  2. Some small Bugs and Errors were fixed

  3. The assimilated roamer now takes your name when an mutated entity kills you and also can keep it's name when evolving into an developed one...

  4. The assimilated jockey now has a special attack that has a 20% chance of happening when attacking. This attack also inflicts poison for 3 seconds...

  5. A new enchantment is now into the game, called Mutation Bane which deals more effective damage to mutated mobs, it only has 2 levels and it is quite hard to obtain.

  6. Added new scary eas alarms that alert you if you and an mutated mob are in the village.

That's it for this changelog, atleast I hope so if I didn't forget anything of course!

So I decided to put this mod back in release version with reduced file size as I've deleted a lot of sound files and images...


  1. New mobs were added into the game! The mobs we've added are the assimilated sheep, the assimilated roamer, the developed roamer and the assimilated human!

Assimilated Sheep - Assimilated version of the normal sheep, transformed by necroptor into this monstrosity...

Assimilated Roamer - Assimilated version of the player, has special abilities, those being he can get a speed boost everytime he hits another entity and also has a 20% chance of inflicting hunger on the entity he's been attacking.

Developed Roamer - A Better and Upgraded version of the assimilated roamer, has a bigger speed boost when he hits and also has a 20% chance of inflicting the severene effect! If that's not enough, once he gets to half of his life, his damage increases! This mob can be found spawning naturally or with the method of evolution, that being when a assimilated roamer kills a player or a villager or when 2 minutes pass and he is still alive!

Assimilated Human - Assimilated version of the normal zombie, transformed by necroptor into this monstrosity...

  1. New effects:

Severene - If an entity has this effect, he will take additional damage as time goes by...

Rage - If an mutant variant walks on a fresh diseased block he has a chance of getting this effect, which will grant him strength and speed. Note: This effect does not work on other mobs and it's still a work in progress...

  1. New item, called mutagen serum which will cure the assimilated wandering trader and the assimilated villager just with a right click with this serum in main hand...

  2. New features, gamerules!!

There are currently 3 gamerules into the game all determing the evolution stages of the mobs...Note: All the gamerules are set to true by default...

  1. New evolution stages for the Human Stage 1 and the Human Stage 2. I'll explain how this works:

If 5 minutes passed, the Human Stage 1 will transform into a Human Stage 2. Again, if 5 minutes passed the Human Stage 2 will transform itself into a Human Stage 3...This action has a gamerule if you would like to disable the evolution...

  1. Balanced weapons and armors, also with recipes.

  2. The roamers can spawn with nametags to confuse the player.

  3. Changed most of the sounds and removed the others we didn't use...

  4. New feature, if an assimilated entity has mutagen sickness active and it's health drops below 4 hearts, the normal entity will mutate itself into his assimilated version!!!

  5. Fixed small bugs and repaired some complier issues...

Many of you will wonder why we're back in beta and that is a very good question. The response to that will be formulated down below and you can yourself guess why we're back in "early development"! I don't even know with what should I begin with but here we go:

  1. Removed a lot of mobs and I mean A LOT of mobs. Removed the hidebehind,the chaos galland,the mutant parasite,the patient,the mutant, the mutant soldier and a few more. I removed them because I wanna make the mod in like one style and one style only that being focused directly upon assimilated creatures and more.

  2. Although with those mobs being deleted, I added others to recompensate for the time and work put into those models. The mobs that I added are a Assimilated Pig , an Assimilated Spider , an Assimilated Pillager , an Assimilated Wandering Trader and a new termite mob called Miter.

Miter - An inoffensive and docile creature which will not harm you, atleast you think so because this creature will in fact morph itself into a necroptor after only 2 minutes and will spread the infection further.

Assimilated Pig - A new and fearsome enemy that was once a friendly mob, don't let a leech ( necroptor ) get close to a pig or else this scary looking creature will spawn!

Assimilated Spider - A mob that can be transformed from a normal spider the same way that the pig is transformed.

Assimilated Pillager - Same transforming procedure.

Assimilated Wandering Trader - This mob is quite special as it is transformed the same way as the others but also, has special abilities. His special abilities are that when he gets hit he has a high chance of getting a regeneration effect and a smaller chance of getting an invisibility effect. Also, when he attacks he inflicts corrosion on the player in which, if you have one of the mod's armor can be very dangerous as it deals massive damage to the mod's armor. The corrosion effect has no use when applied to a user with different armor!

  1. The mob's names were changed

Leech - Necroptor

Mutated Human - Assimilated Human

Mutated Human - Assimilated Human

Brute - Assimilated Piglin

Spiderling - Assimilated Jockey

and more.

  1. The infection system has been changed. Now not only the necroptor infects other creatures, but the assimilated variants attack their unassimilated o variants as well with chance of 10% of transforming them! ( It differs in some cases )

  2. New Items were added! Two new armors were added. One variant is the rusted one while on the other hand the other one is stronger and cleaner. Old weapons were removed and new ones were added, rebalancing the power that the player has.

  3. The remaining mobs were buffed and now are stronger and spawn even more frequently!

  4. Some of the effects were removed and new ones were added such as corrosion which actually does something unlike the other ones.

  5. A new op block was added which will be used in the future, for now I don't recommend in putting the block down and messing with the randomtickspeed gamerule. This block already does damage and inflicts mutagen sickness on it's victims. The only one's who are safe from this block are his family's descendants, the mutants.

  6. If a player dies from a mutated creature it will transform him into his mutated version ( Work in progress on this one )

  7. Sounds were fixed and now actually depend on the proximity and location of the player that meaning that if you walk away from a mutated creature the sound gets quieter and quieter depending on the distance

  8. All the structures were removed and yes, sadly structures will not come back into mutationcraft.

And that is probably it...Note: Don't forget that the mod is in beta somehow and it's not fully released so don't come jumping at me in the comments!!!

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