Added Arts and Crafts Compat
Fixed El's and L's Compat Issues
Added Arts and Crafts + El's and L's Compat
Check the previous changelogs, backported all of 2.0's features
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE backup your world!! Things like yellow larch and young coconuts were removed, which may lead to undesired effects in your world !!
- Fixed Joshua Log Tagging, and bamboo crash with biomes we've gone
- Added Villages to Village Tags
- Fixed Floral Ridges Tag
- Fixed Flower Forest Datapack Title
- Fixed Adobe Houses Loot Tables
- Fixed Frosty Redwood Leaves Loot Tables
- Fixed Lack of Snow in Snowcapped Red Peaks and Sleeted Slopes
- Removed Better Leaves Compatibility
- Made Snowy Biomes less monotone
- Added More Recipe Advancements
- Added Travertine Recipe
- Changed Config to Nightconfig
- Fixed Sugi Leaves not in Evergreen Leaves Tag
- Changed Evergreen Thatch Texture
- German, Spanish, Czech, Chinese translations
- Fixed Azolla Loot Table
- Fixed Desert Turnip Loot Table
- Updated Travertine Textures
- Updated Chert Textures
- Added Cracked Variants of Bricks and Tiles for Chert and Travertine
- Added Wisteria Mosaic
- Fixed Sleeted Slopes and Snocapped Red Peaks not having Snow
Internal Changes
- Optimized Surface Rules (Fixes Terrablender Fix Compat in theory)
- Changed Vanilla Block and Item Tags to be datagenned instead
- Made Logs use vanilla's CreateLog method for compat's sake
- Code Organization and Clean Up
- Vanilla Boats
- Optimize Textures
- Port non-updated methods
- Pluralization of Cattails and Bearberries
- Lotus Stem less redundant and extend Block instead
- Removed Logging Biome and Region configs from console
- Flattened Willow Vine field to Vine
- Flattened colored wisteria vines to colored vines
- Optimized Pizza Model Rendering
- Made Maple Leaves extend Cherry Leaves
- Refactored Pizza Block Entity Variables to use proper casing
- Readded lambdas instead of method references in enum
- Renamed All classes with Nature's Spirit or Hibiscus to use NS
- Removed Block State Provider Mixen
- Redirected NSSimpleStateProvider to go to MC protected one
- Removed Random Files
- Restructured all Files
- Simplified Vines Code for Wisteria and Willow
- Simplified Leaves Code for Wisteria and Willow
- Added ability to modify Maple Leaves Particle Block Chance
Bug Fixes
- Cheese Placement
- server syncing issues with Milk Cauldron
- picking/filling behavior with Cheese Cauldron
- Preset for Larch Trees
- Kaolin, Kaolin Bricks, Chalk Stonecutting Slab Count
- Mosaic Stairs and Slab lacking crafting recipe
- Alluaudia and Joshua Blocks not in Axe Mineable
- Chert and Travertine stairs and slabs not in the stonecutter
- Pizza Toppings Not Saving on Reload
- Coconut not becoming Unfilled
- Pink Sandstone not in Default Tabs
- Willow vines not climbable
- Leaves Rendering
- Sedge Grass Placement
- Flower Stuff To Correct Tags
- Tall Plant Block Breaking Placement Bug
- Willow Vines not in Natural Category
- Biome Tags
- Vine Paradox
- White Cliffs Toggle
- Ghaf Log
- Joshua Sapling
- Joshua Leaves (Bushier)
- Wisteria wood (color)
- Wisteria leaves
- Wisteria door
- Wisteria trapdoor
- Nearly all door items
- Willow Door and Trapdoor
- Blue and Black Iris
- Wisteria Vines and Leaves
- Wisteria Log
- Cedar Log
- Mahogany Log
- Olive Log
- Saxaul Log
- Maple Leaves (Duller)
- Aspen Door
- Aspen Trapdoor
- Aspen Sapling
- Aspen Leaves
- Aspen Logs
- Marigold (Wide Small)
- Pink sandstone textures
- Condensed Green & Black Olives -> Olives
- Olive leaves no longer drop olives
- Lusher Joshua Tree Gen
- Thicker Olive Tree Gen
- Blue Iris yields Light blue Dye
- Removed Trans Cat from general spawns
- Maple Leaf Particles slightly faster
- Removed Young Coconut
- Removed Yellow Larch
- Shearing For Joshua Logs
- Creative Tab Toggle
- Chalk Powder From Calcite Clusters Brushing Feature
- Nature's Spirit Stripped Logs to Create's "modded_stripped_logs" tag
- Added Cedar Thicket Biome
- Begonias (Forest Flowers)
- Olive Branches
- Added Occasional Stratified Desert Mounds
- Music Notification Support
Aspen Forest Overhaul
- Rooted and Coarse Dirt
- Green Aspen Trees
- More Foliage
- Adjusted Coloring
- Bushes
Sugi Forest Overhaul
- Dense Sugi Trees
- Varying Sugi Trees
- Bamboo
- Karsts
- Coarse Dirt
- generate at river areas too
- removed dirt and gravel splotches
- lsuh ferns
- side oak bushes
- vines
Added Translations Updated to 1.21.1 for 1.21
Added azollas Fixed Helvola Dye Recipe Fixed Wisteria and Coconut Leaves Loot table Added Config Option For All biomes Fixed Crash With Create and Nature's Delight and Farmer's Delight Refabricated Made Marsh slightly brighter Made Lilypads rarer in marsh Added Azollas
Retextured Helvola Fixed Helvola Clipping Flower Forest tweaks
- Cattail
- willow log
- gardenia Stuff
- Added Cheese Arrows which remove effects upon hit (configable lol)
- New Icon
- Merged Creative Tabs
- Added Plank Consistency Resourcepack
- Added Wandering Trader Trades
- Fixed Fence Gate Bug
- Cleaned some code
- Fixed Adventuring Time Achievement being unobtainable (1.21)
- Pulled Langauges
- Frigid Grass
- Tall Frigid Grass
- Purple Wildflower
- Yellow Wildflower
- Tall Oat Grass
- Tiger Lily
- Redwood Sapling
- Maple Leaves
- Redwood Log
- Willow Leaves
- Willow Vines
- Willow Sapling
- Maple Wooden Blocks
Redwood Forest
- Added Frosty Redwood Leaves
- Added Snowy Redwood Forest
- Added Snow under Snowy Fir Trees
- Added Gray Polypores
- Added Gray Polypre Decoration to Redwood Trees
- Changed Redwood Flowers to be more common and use blubells, blue bulbs, blue iris, and yellow wildflowers
- Added Lush Ferns to Redwood Forest
- Grounded Spruce Bushes
- Added Custom Redwood Foliage Placer
- Lowered Heights of Redwood Trees
- Added Coarse Dirt to the biome
- Added Tuff Bolders to the biome
- Added Mushrooms to the biome
Extreme Hills
- Changed Grass color of extreme hills
- Added Grass to extreme hills
- Stoneiered the stone of extreme hills
- Added Coarse Dirt to Alpine Biomes
- Added 4 Paintings (1.21)
- Changed Pizza System to use dynamic registries
- Adjusted Hunger and Saturation Values for Toppings
- Added Item Tag Translations
- Added Succulent Bonemealability
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Vine Translations
- Fixed Coconut and Wisteria Leaves Loottables
- Fixed Shiitake Mushroom Block Lootables
- Fixed Joshua Saplings Disapeering
- Fixed Pack Formatting
- Fixed Button and Pressure Plates having collission and not behaving correctly
- Fixed Adventuring Time Achievement (1.21)
- Fixed Cobblemon Is_Sandy tag
- Fixed Missing Blocks in composter
- Fixed Beach Grass Bonemealing
- Fixed Cattails Lotus Flwoers and Helvoula not in flower tag
- Fixed Pressure Plate Bugs
- Fixed Button Bugs
- Fixed Leaves letting redstone through and suffocation
- Fixed Olive Door Top Texture
- Cobblemon Compatibility
- Emissive Ores Compatibility
- El's and L's Compatibility
- Extra Large Redwood Trees
- Random Files
- Vinegar Config Option
Nature's Spirit 1.5.4-1.21
on Jul 4, 2024- Version Bump
- Uploaded file that the source (Specimen)