:sparkles: New Features
- Add Mechanical Pulverizer (commit by @irishgreencitrus)11b3a98
- Add proper processing particles to pursue perfecting pulverization (commit by @irishgreencitrus)7095735
- Add Zinc & Brass dusts which are used to craft the mod's chalks. (commit by @irishgreencitrus)299ab8e
- Add crafting recipe for Mechanical Pulverizer (commit by @irishgreencitrus)
Find changes for all versions at https://github.com/irishgreencitrus/occultengineering/releases
New Features
Otherworld Detector
- Detects when the nearest player can see otherworld blocks and outputs a redstone signal
Púca Books
- A new type of spirit for crafting blocks in this mod
New Ritual
- Fionntán's Uncompromising Captivation: Used to craft the Otherworld Detector.
- Ponder / Modonomicon preview will be supported in the next release
Bug Fixes
- Fix Bulk Enspirit having a bare translation key
- Fix Zinc Chalk not being able to be craftable
Moved to Automatic Release System
- This means changelogs will be better detailed in the future
Detailed changes can be found by reading the commit diff.
Added the Mechanical Chamber, an automated replacement for the Golden Sacrificial Bowl, and allows automating the recipes.
Mechanical Chamber
Use the Mechanical Chamber to more easily automate crafting rituals!
Powered from the top by Shaft, it works in place of a Golden Sacrificial Bowl in the center of a ritual. The faster the shaft in the top spins, the faster the ritual will be completed i.e. a shaft with speed 64 will complete the ritual twice as fast as a shaft with speed 32.
Place your Sacrificial Bowls as usual, within 8 blocks of the center to start it.
It works best with the Mechanical Arm:
- The Mechanical Arm will only insert a bound book into the chamber.
- The Mechanical Arm will only insert the book if the book completes the ritual.
- The Mechanical Arm will only extract results from the ritual, not the book itself.
Full Changelog: https://github.com/irishgreencitrus/OccultEngineering/compare/1.20.1-0.1.0...1.20.1-0.2.0
First Beta!
- You can automate all Spiritfire recipes using an Encased Fan.
- The Mechanical Mixer can be used to make Books of Binding with less dye.
- Spirit Solution can be made by either crushing Demon's Dream Seed in a Basin with a Mechanical Press, or by using water and Demon's Dream Fruit / Otherworld Essence in a Mechanical Mixer, with heat applied.
- Spirit Solution can be used to bind the Books of Binding in an automated way.
- Mechanical Arms can interact with the Sacrifical Bowl, the Stable Wormhole and the Dimensional Storage Actuator.